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SimRail Playtests Early Access


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  1. Thanks for adding it to the game 😄 😄 😄 You guys are AMAZING ! 😄
  2. Hello Is it possible to add sounds in dispatcher room ? For exemple in France, in some dispatcher rooms, when a train is approching, you have a little bell : DING ! saying that a train is coming into your dispatching zone. I think it could be nice. Also, when another dispatcher (AI or player) is asking to take the interlocking direction, a little buzz sound which stop when you allow inbound interlocking. Thanks. 🙂
  3. Well not in France. It happens, but not a lot for the freight trains... I used to work at SNCF (French National Railways) But if you say that AI can handle it well now, I will let the trains pass if it's a player. Only imbeciles don't change when they make a mistake. 🙂
  4. When I dispatch, if you're too early I stable the train whatever if it's player or not. Because if the player is too early, the IA signal boxes sometimes don't like it and we start to have traffic jam... and everything is stuck then. You can be -5 earlier but sometimes it's -65 earlier : I had it today at Zawerice... I stable the 644048 for 1h. By the way like in real life 🙂
  5. Franchement I'm ready ! 🙂 Dès que je reviens du boulot, je l'achète sans hésiter. Ce jeu, c'est LE jeu de simulation ferroviaire que j'attendais et qui coche toutes les cases de ce que j'attendais d'un jeu de simulation ferroviaire notamment sur le côté multijoueur et le côté "dispatcher". J'en suis même à préférer "dispatcher" que conduire.
  6. Pour info ça a été remonté et ça va être corrigé par une limitation de vitesse 😉
  7. So what will be the price of SimRail in full version the 13.01.2023 ? 🙂
  8. Just add the possibility to delete those trains and that's it 😉
  9. You are right ! I've played 2 hours on the French FR2 server. At first I was at Oslamovice after an another player before really f... up the station with trains coming in a wrong way : a big mess... Then, I went to Sosnowiec Glowny and it was running smooth. The AI was responsive, no bugs with the single track. It was really fun. I must say I prefer dispatcher than driver. I must also say something to everybody : please don't use dispatcher unless you know how to use it. Because you're messing everything up and it's a nightmare to solve for other player. A guy said it here in the forum and I wasn't ok with him but now I understand and if he reads this, you were right.
  10. I hope before releasing this, we will have an official tutorial for old electronic boxes. We should be able to be at least 2 people in signalboxes because this station by 1 person is impossible... It will be a nightmare in multiplayer. 😕
  11. Hi ! First of all : thanks for this game. It's the game I was dreaming of since my childhood. Buuuut some improvements can be made in this game, especially for dispatcher mode : - We need a coordinator for dispatcher. For exemple if a train is delayed, the chief dispatcher can say to all dispatcher that x train is delayed. Also to say x train can be overtaken at x station etc... like a administrator in a server. - We need to have access to all signal boxes when choosing in multiplayer and espacially Lazy zone because the AI cannot handle it. We also need to be able to be 2 or 3 in one signal box. - A tutorial for the older signal boxes. - Better communication with AI signal boxes (we cannot repeat to them, sometimes they don't awnser to player signal box...) - Ability to change signal box without quitting the server.
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