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SimRail Early Access


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  1. The wires to/from this catenary stanchion on track 1 within the platform area in Poludniowy station are not properly aligned
  2. This bug appears to affect multiple station, as this was at Poludniowy today
  3. Yes I know the timetable repeats , I was just suggesting adding in some repeating trains on the branchlines so that they got some use :3
  4. Not sure if this would be any help to the devs when selecting AI trigger points, but in Britain we would aim to have at least 2 solid green aspects ahead of any approaching train. Similarly we aim to clear or 'pull-off' any train at a platform roughly 1 minute before booked departure time, the AI at present pulls-off at the exact departure time, which could actually end end delaying a train in the time it takes the brakes to release.
  5. Suggestion to add more trains running the various branch tracks (like to Myslowice from Zawodzie, or Przemiarki from Lc) even if they're AI-only, to add a more lively and 'working' railway feel to the game, more so then it has currently 😄
  6. I use a professional-grade studio microphone and have it hooked into a mini mixing desk which is then hooked into my pc. The microphone works on every other program, without issue. The correct input device appears in the drop-down menu in audio but no sound is recorded by the game. The radios pick up no sound either and just are silent from me. I have a backup microphone that works but it sounds bleugh. Would like to use my proper mic 😄
  7. I was level 30, with 130-odd hours in this game (mostly as dispatcher) and today I have logged on to find all of my levels have disappeared so I'm back to zero and find I cannot control more then a level 2 dispatch station? What has happened?
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