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SimRail Early Access


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  1. Time to update this awsome map? 😁
  2. He's just a troll, clear from his Steam post announcing fake update date.
  3. You assume control the moment you spawn. So, for getting familiar with it I suggest going on the no-moderated EU3 server or empty servers.
  4. You can take a look at the community-made timetables. They work in real-time based on the game's API. https://virtracks.stelltis.ch/stations - very good https://edr.simrail.app/ I think there are more but these 2 I know of.
  5. You didn't even bother to read the whole post before entirely dismissing it in your elitist way... 2 out of 4 suggestions are already planned to be added to the game in one form or another: Passenger Mode & Shunting Work. Then the Maintenance Driver/Worker is well suited for scenarios where lines are closed / events between stations that require some kind of intervention.
  6. Great idea! Something similar to FPS games where you lean using Q and E keys should do.
  7. Also a mapping for Horn (both) pedal please 🙂
  8. Yes please! Tab (to switch fields) + Enter (to confirm) keys support for dispatch dialogs will be a great enhancement!
  9. Very nice map! Makes it clear to understand map layout.
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