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SimRail Early Access


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  1. Just wait for the station to be player controlled. Left track all day lol
  2. Well thats sort of the life of dispatch who talk on the phone and have to answer radio traffic at the same time. Its just multitasking and if you dont understand someone you ask to repeat or put them on hold. The dispatch center i work in (not train related) have one ear with headset handling radio and you have handheld phone in the other ear all the while coworkers talking in the background. Not ideal to mute radio traffic especially if there is some "emergency" to occur that needs to be handled.
  3. Thoroughly enjoyed reading this comedy thread
  4. Not anticipating Stawkow to be a major busy one but the AI loves holding freights there indefinately and have been backups for a while. Would like to see that accessable just to try to get traffic flowing when it bottles up.
  5. Changing my vote from last time to dandowka after seeing plenty of AI struggles and backlog at that station lol
  6. Very nice. Are all stations going to the panels eventaully or will some still have computer operations?
  7. Push to talk, check your settings what button is selected for your push to talk. Also ensure you are on the correct radio channel (if you dont have automatic channel changing enabled)
  8. Its been mentioned the current one is set up for now to make it easier to identify and track bugs and basically a placeholder and will be making a more realistic one down the road. What it will completely consist of i dont know but yeah its for Eearly Access right now while they work on things.
  9. Eh just slap a new poll when they release a new station I say lol. If anything its fun to see what the people are looking for and if the mindset changes based on the new one that released.
  10. I like this idea especially since Pillichowice is mainly there to divert trains on left track so they dont hold express trains behind passengers waiting for the 1 platform station at Opoczno Poludnie. So it would make sense to have 1 dispatcher to handle Pillichowice qnd the 2 surrounding it. Perhaps it is something for the future and at the moment just made it so there are more available options in multiplayer so we can wait and see until more stations are built.
  11. Was a fun read lol but yes its always zawiercie that takes over the radio yammering giving life stories to every train not realizing they are in range of other stations that might want to speak to drivers. People need to be quick clear to the point as far as i'm concerned. When i run a station i only really use the radio to alert a driver of an extended hold due to traffic or something abnormal, not just general basic operations where anyone can just say "watch the proceed signal."
  12. It depends on the station platform. Some of them are very large and give plenty of room while others like zawiercie are right at the signal. The typical passenger train like id numbers 141xx 411xx are quite long. The REG trains (passenger ones where you stop at every station typically) are very small so you can stop most anywhere on a platform. Just takes some getting used to on your approaches and learning the stations. As for the map issue the simrail.fr (for multiplayer use) is super helpful i flip back and forth on to help learn locations regularly.
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