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SimRail Playtests Early Access


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  1. Hmmm, could you try something for me? I am nearly positive this made nights better for me, but it very wall may be a placebo. Open up "%appdata%\..\LocalLow\SimKol\SimRail\settings.conf" file in Notepad. Scroll down until you see or search for R_ExtraLightsAtNight and change it to True, so R_ExtraLightsAtNight=True. Save the file. After you launch the game, do NOT go into Options. Play as you would normally, and see if the pixelation/square effect is still as bad.
  2. Nice job! You should jump on the official SimRail Discord server (there are links here on top of the forum), there are channels dedicated to the discussion of scenario creation. I have actually been digging in quite deep into them and have discovered quite a lot already, and I will gladly help you with any questions.
  3. Właśnie nie rozumiesz dalej do końca. Dystans który jest użyty jest limitowany przez to w jak dalekim punkcie zaczną ci się zlewać te podkłady razem. Na ilustracji, to jest za demonstrowane kreską pomiędzy oczami ludzika a odległością schowania.
  4. Jak by wersje 3D podkładów by nie były wymienione na coś płaskiego, w momencie gdzie zaczynają się zlewać jeden w drugi z punktu widzenia gracza, by się robił straszny efekt "moiré" i zamiast podkładów byś widział tylko dziwne falowane kreski, które same by wyglądały jak by falowały, a do tego dodaj jeszcze TAA. Dlatego WSZYSTKIE gry to robią (n.p. TSW). Jest to efekt który się nazywa "Impostor Replacement". Jak by dali troszkę dalszą odległość od gracza, dalej byś widział ten efekt i by było bez sensu. Byś nie dał rady się skupić na torach bo by ci na tej odległości co się chowają, podkłady falowały by ci przed oczami. The joys of game development sometimes require smoke and mirrors not to annoy the player. Wiedziałem że jeszcze się przyda ta ilustracja. 5 minut dobrze zainwestowanych. 😁
  5. This has been previously submitted as an issue, and marked as resolved, however the issue itself has not been resolved completely. Now, the normal map looks like it is rendering correctly, but it's inverted (so the ballast looks as if it was depressed instead of protruding from the surface). You can fix this by either inverting the Blue channel of the Normal Map, or inside Unity there may be an "invert" option as well. I took this screenshot just now: In the above image, the light source is directly forward from the camera position, and you can see on the track ballast the shadows cast are towards the camera, whereas on the terrain ballast, they're still away from the camera. Again, this is most likely because the map is rendering the ballast as depressed instead of protruding. Please investigate and fix accordingly. Once you flip the blue channel in the normal map (RGB = XYZ) and reimport it into the engine, just make sure to look at it and check it out to see if it is actually rendering the map correctly. Appreciate you all. Thank you. 🤗
  6. Yeah. You don't set the resolution in Windows. Windows stays on your native display resolution. You set the higher resolution in SimRail.
  7. Open up your AMD Control Panel, go to Settings > Display and enable Virtual Super Resolution. What this option does is let you set higher resolutions than your monitor can support in video games, which is then scaled down to fit your actual screen. It's a good way to get some nice AA in titles that don't do it well. Say your display's native resolution is 1080p, what you do is you enable VSR, and you set the game to render at 2560x1440 (2k), and basically either disable AA or leave it on some miniscule setting, maybe SMAA or something. If you have the hardware, this is probably one of the best looking solutions to the TAA issue.
  8. Ok, so I'm not sure how well-aware are you guys, but there is an ongoing issue with the passengers. At the moment, servers are experiencing terrible performance issues/lag, and I think this is what's affecting our FPS as well, because last night I played an SP scenario, and it was butter smooth like before.
  9. Ty, a ty masz TAA ustawione na poziom wysoki? Prubowałeś zmienić na niski, i spowrotem na wysoki po patch? Bo ja wiem że miganie jest STANOWCZO gorsze jak masz TAA na jakimś niskim poziomie.
  10. Ja ci nie pasuje TAA, to sobie zmień na FXAA albo SMAA, ewentualnie użyj super resolution, bo to migotanie to jest standardowe z TAA, i niestety nawet dev'si nie są wstanie tego naprawić, mogą tylko spróbować polepszyć. https://external-preview.redd.it/b7-cVehHdMbTmf62XCMnbdWjaD5J-jtyknVL1tGGY-E.gif?format=mp4&v=enabled&s=19dcd5eadc4130ccf337d416dd7d4f4a56cb7695 Wystarczy na Google wpisać "TAA Flickering". Niestety to jest limitacja technologii. Możesz użyć SMAA/FXAA, ale wtedy będziesz miał gorszy obraz jak ruszasz kamerą. Jak używasz TAA, masz gorszy obraz jak nie ruszasz kamerą, ale jak wszystko się rusza, to jest lepiej. Jak stoisz bez ruchu może po prostu patrz na bliższy punkt?
  11. I've been noticing something similar, except also about a 20% performance drop with latest patch. I'm hoping some sort of update-patch will sort this out.
  12. Erosion? What erosion? You mean oxidization? It turns the copper a teal color, not green. A color like this. The entire Statue of Liberty exterior is made from copper. This is what it looks like when it's fully oxidized. Having said that, no, the catenary cables are not oxidized.
  13. Yes, there is flickering, but it's only visible when there is absolute no movement. Considering you are in a train, moving most of the time, I don't think this is really that big of a deal. If it is, you can just use another form of AA or a downscaled super resolution.
  14. So I have not seen a single loaded train in MP still. The only loaded train I have seen anywhere (I know I played the scenario before, maybe that's where I remember it from initially) is in the E186 tutorial scenario. The cars in that scenario are loaded with coal, at least visually. Whether there is any impact on the physics, I honestly do not know because I do not know the E186 enough nor did I compare and contrast it to running empty.
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