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SimRail Playtests Early Access


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  1. Witam, Podczas ostatniej nocnej jazdy elfem na serwerze PL2 słupy sieci trakcyjnej zmieniły kolor na niebieski/zielony. Log i zdjęcia poniżej: SimRail initializing... preparing... starting... [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: [UnityMemory] Configuration Parameters - Can be set up in boot.config [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-bucket-allocator-granularity=16" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-bucket-allocator-bucket-count=8" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-bucket-allocator-block-size=4194304" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-bucket-allocator-block-count=1" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-main-allocator-block-size=16777216" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-thread-allocator-block-size=16777216" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-gfx-main-allocator-block-size=16777216" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-gfx-thread-allocator-block-size=16777216" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-cache-allocator-block-size=4194304" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-typetree-allocator-block-size=2097152" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-profiler-bucket-allocator-granularity=16" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-profiler-bucket-allocator-bucket-count=8" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-profiler-bucket-allocator-block-size=4194304" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-profiler-bucket-allocator-block-count=1" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-profiler-allocator-block-size=16777216" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-profiler-editor-allocator-block-size=1048576" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-temp-allocator-size-main=4194304" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-job-temp-allocator-block-size=2097152" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-job-temp-allocator-block-size-background=1048576" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-job-temp-allocator-reduction-small-platforms=262144" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-temp-allocator-size-background-worker=32768" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-temp-allocator-size-job-worker=262144" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-temp-allocator-size-preload-manager=262144" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-temp-allocator-size-nav-mesh-worker=65536" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-temp-allocator-size-audio-worker=65536" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-temp-allocator-size-cloud-worker=32768" [2023-04-17 23:27:33]: "memorysetup-temp-allocator-size-gfx=262144" [2023-04-17 23:27:34]: Loading player data from D:/Steam/steamapps/common/SimRail/SimRail_Data/data.unity3d [2023-04-17 23:27:34]: Initialize engine version: 2021.3.11f1 (0a5ca18544bf) [2023-04-17 23:27:34]: Plugins: Failed to load 'OculusXRPlugin' because one or more of its dependencies could not be loaded. [2023-04-17 23:27:34]: [Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path D:/Steam/steamapps/common/SimRail/SimRail_Data/UnitySubsystems [2023-04-17 23:27:34]: [Subsystems] No descriptors matched for examples in UnitySubsystems/OculusXRPlugin/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json. [2023-04-17 23:27:34]: [Subsystems] 1 'inputs' descriptors matched in UnitySubsystems/OculusXRPlugin/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json [2023-04-17 23:27:34]: [Subsystems] 1 'displays' descriptors matched in UnitySubsystems/OculusXRPlugin/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json [2023-04-17 23:27:34]: [Subsystems] No descriptors matched for meshings in UnitySubsystems/OculusXRPlugin/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json. [2023-04-17 23:27:34]: GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1; jobified=1 [2023-04-17 23:27:35]: Direct3D: [2023-04-17 23:27:35]: Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] [2023-04-17 23:27:35]: Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti (ID=0x1c82) [2023-04-17 23:27:35]: Vendor: NVIDIA [2023-04-17 23:27:35]: VRAM: 4017 MB [2023-04-17 23:27:35]: Driver: [2023-04-17 23:27:37]: XRGeneral Settings awakening... [2023-04-17 23:27:38]: [Subsystems] Loading plugin OculusXRPlugin for subsystem oculus display... [2023-04-17 23:27:38]: [Subsystems] Unable to load plugin OculusXRPlugin for subsystem oculus display [2023-04-17 23:27:38]: [Subsystems] Loading plugin OculusXRPlugin for subsystem oculus input... [2023-04-17 23:27:38]: [Subsystems] Unable to load plugin OculusXRPlugin for subsystem oculus input [2023-04-17 23:27:38]: Unable to start Oculus XR Plugin. Possible causes include a headset not being attached, or the Oculus runtime is not installed or up to date. If you've recently installed or updated the Oculus runtime, you may need to reboot or close Unity and the Unity Hub and try again. [2023-04-17 23:27:38]: <RI> Initializing input. [2023-04-17 23:27:38]: New input system (experimental) initialized [2023-04-17 23:27:38]: <RI> Input initialized. [2023-04-17 23:27:38]: <RI> Initialized touch support. [2023-04-17 23:27:41]: UnloadTime: 75.915300 ms [2023-04-17 23:27:41]: Rejestracja MessagePackGenerated... [2023-04-17 23:27:41]: Rejestracja MessagePackGenerated... OK [2023-04-17 23:27:41]: DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'AudioPluginOculusSpatializer'. Tried the load the following dynamic libraries: Unable to load dynamic library 'AudioPluginOculusSpatializer' because of 'Failed to open the requested dynamic library (0x06000000) - Nie można odnaleźć określonego modułu. (WinError:0000007e) at ONSPAudioSource.OnBeforeSceneLoadRuntimeMethod () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 [2023-04-17 23:27:42]: Enabling sentry [2023-04-17 23:34:06]: Steam stats received [2023-04-17 23:34:06]: Steam stats received [2023-04-17 23:34:11]: Transport(<color=green>WebSocket</color>) event: <color=green>SelectedToConnect</color> [2023-04-17 23:34:12]: Transport(<color=green>WebSocket</color>) event: <color=green>Connected</color> [2023-04-17 23:34:12]: Got Steam Encrypted App Ticket. Sending Authorize message to API [2023-04-17 23:34:25]: Subscribing to station list! [2023-04-17 23:35:19]: Unsubscribing to station list! [2023-04-17 23:35:20]: Subscribing to train list! [2023-04-17 23:35:37]: Material transparancy_over_grabpass doesn't have _Stencil property [2023-04-17 23:35:37]: Material transparancy_over_grabpass doesn't have _Stencil property [2023-04-17 23:36:06]: Unsubscribing to train list! [2023-04-17 23:36:19]: Shader 'Enviro/Clouds Particles Advanced': fallback shader 'Legacy Shader/Particles/Alpha Blended' not found [2023-04-17 23:36:20]: Unloading 7 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0) [2023-04-17 23:36:20]: UnloadTime: 50.583700 ms [2023-04-17 23:36:21]: Duplicate derailer with name Derailer_R_Manual-R. Click me to slect it! [2023-04-17 23:36:21]: Duplicate derailer with name Derailer-R_EEA4-L. Click me to slect it! [2023-04-17 23:36:22]: KcpTransport initialized! [2023-04-17 23:36:22]: Mirror | mirror-networking.com | discord.gg/N9QVxbM [2023-04-17 23:36:22]: Unloading 544 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 308069. [2023-04-17 23:36:22]: Total: 141.167800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 34.905600 ms CreateObjectMapping: 13.185000 ms MarkObjects: 92.041900 ms DeleteObjects: 1.034600 ms) [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_KO2_102 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_KO2_102 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_KO2_102 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_KO2_102 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_KO2_102 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_KO2_102 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_KO2_102 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_KO2_102 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_KO2_102 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_KO2_102 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_KO2_102 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_KO2_102 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_KO2_102 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_KO2_102 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_KO2_102 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_KO2_102 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_DZ_500 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_DZ_500 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_DZ_500 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_DZ_500 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_DZ_500 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_DZ_500 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_DZ_500 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_DZ_500 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_DZ_500 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_DZ_500 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_DZ_500 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_DZ_500 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_158 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_158 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1049 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1049 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1049 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1049 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1049 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1049 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1049 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1049 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1049 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1049 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1049 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1049 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1049 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1049 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1051 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1051 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1051 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1051 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1051 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1051 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1051 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1051 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1051 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1051 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1051 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1051 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_158 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_158 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_158 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_158 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_158 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_158 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_157 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_157 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_157 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_157 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_157 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_157 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_157 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_157 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_157 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_157 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1050 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1050 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1050 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1050 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1050 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1050 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1050 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1050 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1050 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1050 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1049 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1049 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1050 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1050 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1052 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1052 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1052 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1052 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1052 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1052 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1052 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1052 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1052 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1052 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1052 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1052 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1053 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1053 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1053 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1053 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1053 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1053 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1053 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1053 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1053 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1053 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1053 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1054 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1054 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1054 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1054 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1054 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1054 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1054 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1054 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1054 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1054 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1055 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1055 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1055 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1055 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1055 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1055 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1055 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1055 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1055 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1055 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1055 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1055 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1056 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1056 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1056 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1056 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1056 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1056 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1056 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1056 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1056 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1056 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1056 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1057 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1057 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1057 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1057 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1057 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1057 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1057 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1057 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1057 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1057 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1057 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1057 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1057 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1057 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1064 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1064 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1064 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1064 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1064 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1064 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1065 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1065 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1065 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1065 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1065 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1065 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1066 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1066 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1066 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1066 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1066 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1066 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1065 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1065 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1066 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1066 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1067 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1067 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1067 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1067 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1067 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1067 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1060 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1060 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1060 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1060 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1061 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1061 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1061 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1061 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1061 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1061 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1062 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1062 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1062 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1062 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1062 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1062 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1062 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1062 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1063 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1063 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1063 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1063 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1068 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1068 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1068 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1068 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1069 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1069 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1069 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1069 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1069 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1069 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1070 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1070 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1070 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1070 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1071 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1071 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1071 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1071 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1071 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1071 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1071 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1071 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1072 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1072 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1072 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1072 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1072 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1073 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1073 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1073 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1073 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1073 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1073 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1074 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1074 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1074 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1074 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1074 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1074 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1077 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1077 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1077 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1077 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1077 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1077 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1078 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1078 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1078 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1078 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1078 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1078 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1078 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1078 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1079 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1079 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1079 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1079 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1075 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1075 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1075 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1075 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1075 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1075 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1076 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1076 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1076 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1076 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1080 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1080 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1080 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1080 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1080 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1080 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1080 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1080 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1081 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1081 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1081 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1081 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1081 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1081 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1083 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1083 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1083 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1083 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1083 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1083 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1084 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1084 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1084 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1084 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1083 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1083 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1084 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1084 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1085 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1085 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1085 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1085 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1086 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1086 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1086 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1086 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1086 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1086 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1087 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1087 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1087 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1087 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1087 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1087 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1088 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1088 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1088 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1088 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1088 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1088 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1089 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1089 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1089 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1089 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1089 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1089 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1090 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1090 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1090 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1090 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1090 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1090 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1091 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1091 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1091 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1091 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1091 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1092 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1091 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1093 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1093 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1093 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1093 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1093 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1094 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1094 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1094 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1094 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1094 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1094 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1095 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1095 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1095 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1095 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1095 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1095 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1096 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1096 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1096 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1096 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1096 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1096 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1097 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1097 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1097 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1097 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1097 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1097 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1098 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1098 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1098 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1098 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1098 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1098 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1092 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1092 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1092 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1092 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_25 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_25 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_25 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_25 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_25 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_25 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_26 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_26 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_26 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_26 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_26 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z_Id_26 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1114 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1114 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1114 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1114 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1114 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1115 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1115 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1115 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1115 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1115 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1115 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1115 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1115 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1115 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1115 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1115 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1115 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1116 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1116 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1116 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1116 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1117 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1117 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1117 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1117 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1117 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1117 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1116 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1116 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1118 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1118 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1118 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1118 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1118 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1118 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1118 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1118 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1118 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1118 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1118 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1119 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1119 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1119 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1119 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1119 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1119 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1120 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1120 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1120 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1120 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1121 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1121 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1121 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1121 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1121 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1121 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1121 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1121 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1121 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1121 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1121 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1121 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1122 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1122 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1122 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1122 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1122 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1122 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1123 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1123 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1123 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1123 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1123 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1123 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1123 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1123 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1123 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1123 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1123 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1123 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1124 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1124 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1124 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1124 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1124 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1124 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1124 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1124 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1124 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1124 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1125 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:23]: Track z1125 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z1125 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z1125 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z1125 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z1125 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z1124 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z1124 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z1126 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z1126 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z1126 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z1126 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z1126 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z1126 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z1126 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z1126 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z1166 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z1166 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z1166 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z1166 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z1166 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z1166 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z1126 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z1126 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_85 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_85 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_85 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_85 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_85 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_85 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_73 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_73 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_73 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_73 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_73 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_73 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_72 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_72 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_72 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_72 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_72 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_72 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_72 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_84 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_84 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_84 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_84 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_84 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_84 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_84 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_84 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_1 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_1 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_1 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_1 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_1 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_1 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_71 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_71 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_71 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_71 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_71 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_71 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_74 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_74 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_74 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_74 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_74 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_74 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_76 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_76 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_76 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_76 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_76 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_76 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_76 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_76 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_76 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_76 1b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_76 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_75 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_75 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_75 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_75 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_75 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Track z_Id_75 2b is to short to connect to others! [2023-04-17 23:36:24]: Build time: 06.04.2023 14:42:26. Build guid: b1b5c9cddf2c41c9a717138c689f95c4 [2023-04-17 23:36:28]: [Dissonance:Core] (21:36:28.784) DissonanceComms: Starting Dissonance Voice Comms (8.3.1) - Network: [DissonanceSimRail (Dissonance.Integrations.MirrorIgnorance.MirrorIgnoranceCommsNetwork)] - Quality Settings: [Quality: Medium, FrameSize: Medium, FEC: True, DenoiseAmount: VeryHigh, RNN: True (0,61) VoiceDuckLevel: 0,5 VAD: MediumSensitivity] - Codec: [Codec: Opus, FrameSize: 1920, SampleRate: 48kHz] [2023-04-17 23:36:29]: Transport(<color=green>WebSocket</color>) event: <color=green>Closed</color> [2023-04-17 23:36:30]: Audio source ambient is null! [2023-04-17 23:36:31]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:36:31.630) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Began mic capture (SampleRate:48000Hz, FrameSize:960, Buffer Limit:2^13, Latency:20ms, Device:'') [2023-04-17 23:36:31]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:36:31.742) CapturePipelineManager: Detected a frame skip, forcing capture pipeline reset (Delta Time:0,1722618) [2023-04-17 23:36:32]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:36:32.414) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Began mic capture (SampleRate:48000Hz, FrameSize:960, Buffer Limit:2^13, Latency:20ms, Device:'') [2023-04-17 23:36:34]: Scene Assets/Scenes/MirrorNetworkingPlayer.unity is already loaded [2023-04-17 23:36:34]: [Dissonance:Network] (21:36:34.549) ConnectionNegotiator`1: Received handshake response from server, joined session '299441775' [2023-04-17 23:36:35]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:36:35.186) BasePreprocessingPipeline: Lost 480 samples in the preprocessor (buffer full), injecting silence to compensate [2023-04-17 23:36:35]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:36:35.186) BasePreprocessingPipeline: Lost 960 samples in the preprocessor (buffer full), injecting silence to compensate [2023-04-17 23:36:35]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:36:35.186) BasePreprocessingPipeline: Lost 960 samples in the preprocessor (buffer full), injecting silence to compensate [2023-04-17 23:36:35]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:36:35.186) BasePreprocessingPipeline: Lost 960 samples in the preprocessor (buffer full), injecting silence to compensate [2023-04-17 23:36:35]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:36:35.186) BasePreprocessingPipeline: Lost 960 samples in the preprocessor (buffer full), injecting silence to compensate [2023-04-17 23:36:35]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:36:35.186) CapturePipelineManager: Detected a frame skip, forcing capture pipeline reset (Delta Time:0,1787893) [2023-04-17 23:36:35]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:36:35.449) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Began mic capture (SampleRate:48000Hz, FrameSize:960, Buffer Limit:2^13, Latency:20ms, Device:'') [2023-04-17 23:36:35]: RailStockResourceManager loading prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Elf/EN76-006 [2023-04-17 23:36:45]: Default clip could not be found in attached animations list. [2023-04-17 23:36:45]: Default clip could not be found in attached animations list. [2023-04-17 23:36:45]: Renderer 'ekran_zgaszony' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('radiotelefon_koliber' and 'kabina_en76'). [2023-04-17 23:36:45]: Renderer 'ekran_zgaszony' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('radiotelefon_koliber' and 'kabina_en76'). [2023-04-17 23:36:45]: Renderer 'ekran_zgaszony' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('radiotelefon_koliber' and 'kabina_en76'). [2023-04-17 23:36:45]: Renderer 'ekran_zgaszony' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('radiotelefon_koliber' and 'kabina_en76'). [2023-04-17 23:36:45]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:36:45]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:36:45]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:36:45]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:36:46]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:36:46]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:36:46]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:36:46]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:36:46]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:36:46]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:36:46]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:36:46]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:36:49]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:36:35.443) BasePreprocessingPipeline: Preprocessor running slow! Iteration took:329ms for 33 frames [2023-04-17 23:36:49]: MakeDriverSit parent was null! [2023-04-17 23:36:49]: RailStockResourceManager preloading prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Traxx/Traxx [2023-04-17 23:36:49]: RailStockResourceManager preloading prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/412W/412W_v4_364-9_b Variant [2023-04-17 23:36:49]: RailStockResourceManager preloading prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/4E/EP07-135 [2023-04-17 23:36:49]: RailStockResourceManager preloading prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Z2/b10bmnouz_61512071105_1 [2023-04-17 23:36:49]: RailStockResourceManager preloading prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Z2/b11gmnouz_61512170107-7 [2023-04-17 23:36:49]: RailStockResourceManager preloading prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Z2/b11mnouz_61512170098-8 [2023-04-17 23:36:49]: Moving world is imminent [2023-04-17 23:36:49]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:36:49.994) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Insufficient buffer space, requested 46080, clamped to 16383 (dropping 29697 samples) [2023-04-17 23:36:49]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:36:49.994) BasePreprocessingPipeline: Lost 480 samples in the preprocessor (buffer full), injecting silence to compensate [2023-04-17 23:36:50]: Moving world after being inhibited for 0 frames [2023-04-17 23:36:50]: Moving world x: -6656, y: 0, z: 1536 [2023-04-17 23:36:50]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:36:50.366) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Insufficient buffer space, requested 17280, clamped to 16383 (dropping 897 samples) [2023-04-17 23:36:50]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:36:50.366) BasePreprocessingPipeline: Lost 480 samples in the preprocessor (buffer full), injecting silence to compensate [2023-04-17 23:36:50]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:36:50.366) CapturePipelineManager: Detected a frame skip, forcing capture pipeline reset (Delta Time:0,6445943) [2023-04-17 23:36:50]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:36:50.382) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Began mic capture (SampleRate:48000Hz, FrameSize:960, Buffer Limit:2^13, Latency:20ms, Device:'') [2023-04-17 23:36:55]: RailStockResourceManager warmingup prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Traxx/Traxx [2023-04-17 23:36:55]: RailStockResourceManager loading prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Traxx/Traxx [2023-04-17 23:36:55]: Default clip could not be found in attached animations list. [2023-04-17 23:36:55]: Default clip could not be found in attached animations list. [2023-04-17 23:36:59]: Couldn't create a Convex Mesh from source mesh "kolo_recznego" within the maximum polygons limit (256). The partial hull will be used. Consider simplifying your mesh. [2023-04-17 23:37:00]: OutlineBehaviour works with built-in render pipeline only. It does not support SRP (including URP and HDRP). [2023-04-17 23:37:00]: OutlineBehaviour does not support Unity Post-processing stack v2. It might not work as expected. [2023-04-17 23:37:00]: OutlineBehaviour works with built-in render pipeline only. It does not support SRP (including URP and HDRP). [2023-04-17 23:37:00]: OutlineBehaviour does not support Unity Post-processing stack v2. It might not work as expected. [2023-04-17 23:37:00]: OutlineBehaviour works with built-in render pipeline only. It does not support SRP (including URP and HDRP). [2023-04-17 23:37:00]: OutlineBehaviour does not support Unity Post-processing stack v2. It might not work as expected. [2023-04-17 23:37:00]: OutlineBehaviour works with built-in render pipeline only. It does not support SRP (including URP and HDRP). [2023-04-17 23:37:00]: OutlineBehaviour does not support Unity Post-processing stack v2. It might not work as expected. [2023-04-17 23:37:00]: Drzwi Drzwi mają zły numer (powyżej zakresu): 1 [2023-04-17 23:37:00]: Drzwi Drzwi mają zły numer (powyżej zakresu): 2 [2023-04-17 23:37:00]: Drzwi Drzwi mają zły numer (powyżej zakresu): 3 [2023-04-17 23:37:00]: Drzwi Drzwi mają zły numer (powyżej zakresu): 4 [2023-04-17 23:37:00]: SplitBehaviour was null for prefab Traxx/Traxx [2023-04-17 23:37:00]: Drzwi Drzwi mają zły numer (powyżej zakresu): 1 [2023-04-17 23:37:00]: Drzwi Drzwi mają zły numer (powyżej zakresu): 2 [2023-04-17 23:37:00]: Drzwi Drzwi mają zły numer (powyżej zakresu): 3 [2023-04-17 23:37:00]: Drzwi Drzwi mają zły numer (powyżej zakresu): 4 [2023-04-17 23:37:00]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:37:00.710) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Insufficient buffer space, requested 252960, clamped to 16383 (dropping 236577 samples) [2023-04-17 23:37:00]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:37:00.710) BasePreprocessingPipeline: Lost 480 samples in the preprocessor (buffer full), injecting silence to compensate [2023-04-17 23:37:00]: RailStockResourceManager colling down prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Traxx/Traxx [2023-04-17 23:37:00]: RailStockResourceManager warmingup prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/412W/412W_v4_364-9_b Variant [2023-04-17 23:37:00]: RailStockResourceManager loading prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/412W/412W_v4_364-9_b Variant [2023-04-17 23:37:01]: RailStockResourceManager colling down prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/412W/412W_v4_364-9_b Variant [2023-04-17 23:37:01]: RailStockResourceManager unloading prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/412W/412W_v4_364-9_b Variant [2023-04-17 23:37:01]: RailStockResourceManager warmingup prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/4E/EP07-135 [2023-04-17 23:37:01]: RailStockResourceManager loading prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/4E/EP07-135 [2023-04-17 23:37:01]: RailStockResourceManager colling down prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/4E/EP07-135 [2023-04-17 23:37:01]: RailStockResourceManager unloading prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/4E/EP07-135 [2023-04-17 23:37:01]: RailStockResourceManager warmingup prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Z2/b10bmnouz_61512071105_1 [2023-04-17 23:37:01]: RailStockResourceManager loading prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Z2/b10bmnouz_61512071105_1 [2023-04-17 23:37:02]: RailStockResourceManager colling down prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Z2/b10bmnouz_61512071105_1 [2023-04-17 23:37:02]: RailStockResourceManager unloading prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Z2/b10bmnouz_61512071105_1 [2023-04-17 23:37:02]: RailStockResourceManager warmingup prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Z2/b11gmnouz_61512170107-7 [2023-04-17 23:37:02]: RailStockResourceManager loading prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Z2/b11gmnouz_61512170107-7 [2023-04-17 23:37:02]: RailStockResourceManager warmingup prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Z2/b11mnouz_61512170098-8 [2023-04-17 23:37:02]: RailStockResourceManager loading prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Z2/b11mnouz_61512170098-8 [2023-04-17 23:37:02]: RailStockResourceManager colling down prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Z2/b11gmnouz_61512170107-7 [2023-04-17 23:37:02]: RailStockResourceManager unloading prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Z2/b11gmnouz_61512170107-7 [2023-04-17 23:37:02]: RailStockResourceManager colling down prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Z2/b11mnouz_61512170098-8 [2023-04-17 23:37:02]: RailStockResourceManager unloading prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Z2/b11mnouz_61512170098-8 [2023-04-17 23:37:04]: "" mesh must have at least three distinct vertices to be a valid collision mesh. [2023-04-17 23:37:05]: "" mesh must have at least three distinct vertices to be a valid collision mesh. [2023-04-17 23:37:05]: "" mesh must have at least three distinct vertices to be a valid collision mesh. [2023-04-17 23:37:05]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:37:05.874) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Insufficient buffer space, requested 22560, clamped to 16383 (dropping 6177 samples) [2023-04-17 23:37:05]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:37:05.874) BasePreprocessingPipeline: Lost 480 samples in the preprocessor (buffer full), injecting silence to compensate [2023-04-17 23:37:05]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:37:05.944) CapturePipelineManager: Detected a frame skip, forcing capture pipeline reset (Delta Time:0,5112203) [2023-04-17 23:37:05]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:37:05.958) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Began mic capture (SampleRate:48000Hz, FrameSize:960, Buffer Limit:2^13, Latency:20ms, Device:'') [2023-04-17 23:37:07]: Couldn't create a Convex Mesh from source mesh "Spiral" within the maximum polygons limit (256). The partial hull will be used. Consider simplifying your mesh. [2023-04-17 23:37:09]: Couldn't create a Convex Mesh from source mesh "Spiral_2" within the maximum polygons limit (256). The partial hull will be used. Consider simplifying your mesh. [2023-04-17 23:37:09]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:37:09.967) CapturePipelineManager: Detected a frame skip, forcing capture pipeline reset (Delta Time:0,1906049) [2023-04-17 23:37:09]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:37:09.975) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Began mic capture (SampleRate:48000Hz, FrameSize:960, Buffer Limit:2^13, Latency:20ms, Device:'') [2023-04-17 23:37:20]: Moving world is imminent [2023-04-17 23:37:20]: Moving world after being inhibited for 0 frames [2023-04-17 23:37:20]: Moving world x: 1024, y: 0, z: 0 [2023-04-17 23:37:20]: "" mesh must have at least three distinct vertices to be a valid collision mesh. [2023-04-17 23:37:25]: Train was detected by Peron1_Katowice_Szopienice_Poludniowe train: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 [2023-04-17 23:37:25]: ListaCzlonow4 predkoscPociagu 52,38317 [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_1050mm' and 'znak A-30 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_1050mm' and 'znak A-30 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-36 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-36 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-33 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-33 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-33 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-33 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_60cm_2poz_L2 (1)' and 'separator (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_60cm_2poz_L2 (1)' and 'separator (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_60cm_2poz_L2 (1)' and 'separator (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_60cm_2poz_L2 (1)' and 'separator (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_60cm_2poz_L2 (3)' and 'separator (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_60cm_2poz_L2 (3)' and 'separator (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_60cm_2poz_L2 (3)' and 'separator (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_60cm_2poz_L2 (3)' and 'separator (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_60cm_2poz_L2 (2)' and 'separator (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_60cm_2poz_L2 (2)' and 'separator (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_60cm_2poz_L2 (2)' and 'separator (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_60cm_2poz_L2 (2)' and 'separator (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_60cm_2poz_L2' and 'separator (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_60cm_2poz_L2' and 'separator (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_60cm_2poz_L2' and 'separator (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_60cm_2poz_L2' and 'separator (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_60cm_2poz_L2 (4)' and 'separator (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_60cm_2poz_L2 (4)' and 'separator (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_60cm_2poz_L2 (4)' and 'separator (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_60cm_2poz_L2 (4)' and 'separator (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:37:26.879) CapturePipelineManager: Detected a frame skip, forcing capture pipeline reset (Delta Time:0,2080611) [2023-04-17 23:37:26]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:37:26.892) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Began mic capture (SampleRate:48000Hz, FrameSize:960, Buffer Limit:2^13, Latency:20ms, Device:'') [2023-04-17 23:37:27]: Scene Loaded in: 588,57s [2023-04-17 23:37:28]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:37:28.042) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Insufficient buffer space, requested 25440, clamped to 16383 (dropping 9057 samples) [2023-04-17 23:37:28]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:37:28.042) BasePreprocessingPipeline: Lost 480 samples in the preprocessor (buffer full), injecting silence to compensate [2023-04-17 23:37:28]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:37:28.043) BasePreprocessingPipeline: Lost 960 samples in the preprocessor (buffer full), injecting silence to compensate [2023-04-17 23:37:28]: Transport(<color=green>WebSocket</color>) event: <color=green>SelectedToConnect</color> [2023-04-17 23:37:28]: Transport(<color=green>WebSocket</color>) event: <color=green>Connected</color> [2023-04-17 23:37:29]: Got Steam Encrypted App Ticket. Sending Authorize message to API [2023-04-17 23:37:30]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:37:30.376) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Insufficient buffer space, requested 33600, clamped to 16383 (dropping 17217 samples) [2023-04-17 23:37:30]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:37:30.376) BasePreprocessingPipeline: Lost 480 samples in the preprocessor (buffer full), injecting silence to compensate [2023-04-17 23:37:31]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:37:31.174) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Insufficient buffer space, requested 37920, clamped to 16383 (dropping 21537 samples) [2023-04-17 23:37:31]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:37:31.233) BasePreprocessingPipeline: Lost 480 samples in the preprocessor (buffer full), injecting silence to compensate [2023-04-17 23:37:33]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:37:33.033) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Insufficient buffer space, requested 84000, clamped to 16383 (dropping 67617 samples) [2023-04-17 23:37:33]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:37:33.033) BasePreprocessingPipeline: Lost 480 samples in the preprocessor (buffer full), injecting silence to compensate [2023-04-17 23:37:33]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:37:33]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:37:33]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:37:33]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:37:33]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:37:33]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:37:33]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:37:33]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:37:33]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:37:33.459) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Insufficient buffer space, requested 20160, clamped to 16383 (dropping 3777 samples) [2023-04-17 23:37:33]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:37:33.459) BasePreprocessingPipeline: Lost 480 samples in the preprocessor (buffer full), injecting silence to compensate [2023-04-17 23:37:42]: RailStockResourceManager unloading prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Traxx/Traxx [2023-04-17 23:38:15]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:38:15]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:38:15]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:38:15]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:38:16]: Arriving at platform 1 [2023-04-17 23:38:39]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:38:39]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:38:39]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:38:39]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:38:53]: Train trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 VD increased to 11 reason: Stoped searching for Katowice Szopienice Południowe signal because signal of station Sosnowiec Gł. pzs R52 was found with name SG_Y@-3938,72995,8 [2023-04-17 23:38:56]: Train was removed by Peron1_Katowice_Szopienice_Poludniowe train: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 [2023-04-17 23:39:07]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-26 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:39:07]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-26 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:39:07]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-25 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:07]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-25 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:07]: Renderer 'znak_D1_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_900mm' and 'znak D-1 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:39:07]: Renderer 'znak_D1_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_900mm' and 'znak D-1 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:39:07]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:07]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:07]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:07]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:07]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:07]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:20]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:39:20.963) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Microphone stopped recording for an unknown reason (possibly due to an external script calling `Microphone.End` [2023-04-17 23:39:20]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:39:20.969) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Began mic capture (SampleRate:44100Hz, FrameSize:882, Buffer Limit:2^13, Latency:20ms, Device:'') [2023-04-17 23:39:21]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:39:21.020) CapturePipelineManager: Forcing capture pipeline reset [2023-04-17 23:39:21]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:39:21.402) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Began mic capture (SampleRate:44100Hz, FrameSize:882, Buffer Limit:2^13, Latency:20ms, Device:'') [2023-04-17 23:39:25]: Moving world is imminent [2023-04-17 23:39:25]: Moving world after being inhibited for 0 frames [2023-04-17 23:39:25]: Moving world x: 1024, y: 0, z: 0 [2023-04-17 23:39:25]: "" mesh must have at least three distinct vertices to be a valid collision mesh. [2023-04-17 23:39:27]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:27]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:27]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600x750mm' and 'znak D-17 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:39:27]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600x750mm' and 'znak D-17 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:39:29]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:39:29.634) CapturePipelineManager: Detected a frame skip, forcing capture pipeline reset (Delta Time:0,2823852) [2023-04-17 23:39:29]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:39:29.648) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Began mic capture (SampleRate:44100Hz, FrameSize:882, Buffer Limit:2^13, Latency:20ms, Device:'') [2023-04-17 23:39:30]: Renderer 'separator' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor (1)' and 'separator'). [2023-04-17 23:39:30]: Renderer 'separator' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor (1)' and 'separator'). [2023-04-17 23:39:30]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:39:30]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:39:30]: Renderer 'separator' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:39:30]: Renderer 'separator' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:39:30]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:39:30]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:39:45]: RailStockResourceManager preloading prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Elf/EN96-001 [2023-04-17 23:39:46]: RailStockResourceManager warmingup prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Elf/EN96-001 [2023-04-17 23:39:46]: RailStockResourceManager loading prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Elf/EN96-001 [2023-04-17 23:39:46]: Default clip could not be found in attached animations list. [2023-04-17 23:39:46]: Default clip could not be found in attached animations list. [2023-04-17 23:39:46]: SplitBehaviour was null for prefab Elf/EN96-001 [2023-04-17 23:39:47]: RailStockResourceManager colling down prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Elf/EN96-001 [2023-04-17 23:39:47]: Moving world is imminent [2023-04-17 23:39:47]: Moving world after being inhibited for 0 frames [2023-04-17 23:39:47]: Moving world x: 0, y: 0, z: 1024 [2023-04-17 23:39:50]: Couldn't create a Convex Mesh from source mesh "Spiral" within the maximum polygons limit (256). The partial hull will be used. Consider simplifying your mesh. [2023-04-17 23:39:50]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:39:50.953) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Insufficient buffer space, requested 59136, clamped to 16383 (dropping 42753 samples) [2023-04-17 23:39:50]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:39:50.954) BasePreprocessingPipeline: Lost 513 samples in the preprocessor (buffer full), injecting silence to compensate [2023-04-17 23:39:50]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:39:50.954) BasePreprocessingPipeline: Lost 882 samples in the preprocessor (buffer full), injecting silence to compensate [2023-04-17 23:39:50]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:39:50.954) CapturePipelineManager: Detected a frame skip, forcing capture pipeline reset (Delta Time:1,348919) [2023-04-17 23:39:50]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:39:50.969) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Began mic capture (SampleRate:44100Hz, FrameSize:882, Buffer Limit:2^13, Latency:20ms, Device:'') [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1b' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1b' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-2 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-2 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-9 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-9 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1c' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1c' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G1' and 'znak G-1b'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G1' and 'znak G-1b'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_D1_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_600mm' and 'znak D-1 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_D1_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_600mm' and 'znak D-1 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_T1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak T-1 Sredni' and 'znak_T1'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_T1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak T-1 Sredni' and 'znak_T1'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-9 Sredni' and 'znak_A_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-9 Sredni' and 'znak_A_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-4a Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-4a Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1f' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1f' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak C-4 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak C-4 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-20 Sredni' and 'znak_A_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-20 Sredni' and 'znak_A_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-9 Sredni' and 'znak_A_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-9 Sredni' and 'znak_A_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:51]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:56]: Renderer 'separator' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor' and 'separator'). [2023-04-17 23:39:56]: Renderer 'separator' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor' and 'separator'). [2023-04-17 23:39:56]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:39:56]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:39:56]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor'). [2023-04-17 23:39:56]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor'). [2023-04-17 23:39:56]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:56]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:56]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:56]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:56]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:56]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:56]: Renderer 'separator' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor'). [2023-04-17 23:39:56]: Renderer 'separator' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor'). [2023-04-17 23:39:56]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor'). [2023-04-17 23:39:56]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor'). [2023-04-17 23:39:56]: Renderer 'znak_BC_600mm.006' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-33 Maly' and 'znak_BC_600mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:56]: Renderer 'znak_BC_600mm.006' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-33 Maly' and 'znak_BC_600mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:56]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-1 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:56]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-1 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-15 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-15 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-15 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-15 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_peron+2tor_1side'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_peron+2tor_1side'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_peron+2tor_1side'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_peron+2tor_1side'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_peron+2tor_1side'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_peron+2tor_1side'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_peron+2tor_1side'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_peron+2tor_1side'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-9 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-9 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-9 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-9 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'separator' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_peron+2tor_1side'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'separator' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_peron+2tor_1side'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'separator' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_peron+2tor_1side'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'separator' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_peron+2tor_1side'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'separator' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_peron+2tor_1side'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'separator' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_peron+2tor_1side'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'separator' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_peron+2tor_1side'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'separator' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_peron+2tor_1side'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak C-11 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak C-11 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak C-11 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak C-11 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-16 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-16 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-16 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-16 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-16 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-16 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-16 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-16 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-5 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-5 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-5 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-5 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:39:59.974) CapturePipelineManager: Detected a frame skip, forcing capture pipeline reset (Delta Time:0,2803946) [2023-04-17 23:39:59]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:39:59.987) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Began mic capture (SampleRate:44100Hz, FrameSize:882, Buffer Limit:2^13, Latency:20ms, Device:'') [2023-04-17 23:40:06]: Train trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 VD increased to 12 reason: Stoped searching for Sosnowiec Gł. pzs R52 signal because signal of station Sosnowiec Główny was found with name SG_R2@-3488,23592,3 [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:40:12.097) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Insufficient buffer space, requested 57792, clamped to 16383 (dropping 41409 samples) [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:40:12.097) BasePreprocessingPipeline: Lost 72 samples in the preprocessor (buffer full), injecting silence to compensate [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:40:12.097) BasePreprocessingPipeline: Lost 441 samples in the preprocessor (buffer full), injecting silence to compensate [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:40:12.097) CapturePipelineManager: Detected a frame skip, forcing capture pipeline reset (Delta Time:1,31442) [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:40:12.114) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Began mic capture (SampleRate:44100Hz, FrameSize:882, Buffer Limit:2^13, Latency:20ms, Device:'') [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-22 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-22 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-2 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-2 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-15 Sredni' and 'znak_D_600x750mm'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-15 Sredni' and 'znak_D_600x750mm'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-15 Sredni' and 'znak_D_600x750mm'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-15 Sredni' and 'znak_D_600x750mm'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-15 Sredni' and 'znak_D_600x750mm'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-15 Sredni' and 'znak_D_600x750mm'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_T.036' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_T_240x600mm' and 'znak T-25a Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_T.036' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_T_240x600mm' and 'znak T-25a Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m (5)' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m (5)' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-18 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-18 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-18 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-18 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-18 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-18 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_T.036' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak T-25c Sredni' and 'znak_T_240x600mm'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_T.036' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak T-25c Sredni' and 'znak_T_240x600mm'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m (6)'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m (6)'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m (7)' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m (7)' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-3 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-3 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-3 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-3 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-3 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-3 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m (4)'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m (4)'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-36 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-36 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m (2)' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m (2)' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak C-2 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak C-2 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m (3)' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m (3)' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak C-4 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak C-4 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-1 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-1 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-1 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-1 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-35 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-35 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-35 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:12]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-35 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:30]: Moving world is imminent [2023-04-17 23:40:30]: Moving world after being inhibited for 0 frames [2023-04-17 23:40:30]: Moving world x: 1024, y: 0, z: 512 [2023-04-17 23:40:34]: Train trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 VD index kept at 12 reason: Found Sosnowiec Główny signal with name SG_H2@-2337,54479,2 [2023-04-17 23:40:40]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-15 Sredni' and 'znak_D_600x750mm'). [2023-04-17 23:40:40]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-15 Sredni' and 'znak_D_600x750mm'). [2023-04-17 23:40:40]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-15 Sredni' and 'znak_D_600x750mm'). [2023-04-17 23:40:40]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-15 Sredni' and 'znak_D_600x750mm'). [2023-04-17 23:40:40]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:40]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:40]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-18 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:40]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-18 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:40]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:40]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:40]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:40]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:40]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:40]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:40]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:40]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:40]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:40]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:40]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:40]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:40:40]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600x750mm' and 'znak D-17 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:40]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600x750mm' and 'znak D-17 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:40]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600x750mm' and 'znak D-17 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:40]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600x750mm' and 'znak D-17 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:40:43]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:40:43.007) CapturePipelineManager: Detected a frame skip, forcing capture pipeline reset (Delta Time:0,2681113) [2023-04-17 23:40:43]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:40:43.020) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Began mic capture (SampleRate:44100Hz, FrameSize:882, Buffer Limit:2^13, Latency:20ms, Device:'') [2023-04-17 23:40:54]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:40:54.938) CapturePipelineManager: Detected a frame skip, forcing capture pipeline reset (Delta Time:0,2529161) [2023-04-17 23:40:54]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:40:54.954) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Began mic capture (SampleRate:44100Hz, FrameSize:882, Buffer Limit:2^13, Latency:20ms, Device:'') [2023-04-17 23:40:58]: Train was detected by peron2_sosnowiec_gl train: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 [2023-04-17 23:40:58]: ListaCzlonow4 predkoscPociagu 37,12147 [2023-04-17 23:41:02]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-33 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:41:02]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-33 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:41:02]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-30 Sredni' and 'znak_A_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:41:02]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-30 Sredni' and 'znak_A_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:41:02]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:41:02]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:41:02]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:41:02]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:41:02]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:41:02]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:41:02]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:41:02]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:41:02]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak C-2 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:41:02]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak C-2 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:41:02]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-16 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:41:02]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-16 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:41:24]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:41:24]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:41:24]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:41:24]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:41:24]: Arriving at platform 2 [2023-04-17 23:41:45]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:41:45]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:41:45]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:41:45]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:42:07]: Moving world is imminent [2023-04-17 23:42:07]: Moving world after being inhibited for 0 frames [2023-04-17 23:42:07]: Moving world x: 512, y: 0, z: 1024 [2023-04-17 23:42:14]: Train was removed by peron2_sosnowiec_gl train: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 [2023-04-17 23:42:16]: RailStockResourceManager unloading prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Elf/EN96-001 [2023-04-17 23:42:16]: UnloadAsset can only be used on assets; [2023-04-17 23:42:16]: UnloadAsset can only be used on assets; [2023-04-17 23:42:16]: UnloadAsset can only be used on assets; [2023-04-17 23:42:16]: UnloadAsset can only be used on assets; [2023-04-17 23:42:16]: UnloadAsset can only be used on assets; [2023-04-17 23:42:16]: UnloadAsset can only be used on assets; [2023-04-17 23:42:16]: UnloadAsset can only be used on assets; [2023-04-17 23:42:16]: UnloadAsset can only be used on assets; [2023-04-17 23:42:16]: UnloadAsset can only be used on assets; [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-25 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-25 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'znak_D_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-4a Duzy' and 'znak_D_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'znak_D_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-4a Duzy' and 'znak_D_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'znak_D1_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_900mm' and 'znak D-1 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'znak_D1_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_900mm' and 'znak D-1 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-7 Duzy' and 'znak_A_1050mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-7 Duzy' and 'znak_A_1050mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-2 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-2 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-36 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-36 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-16 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:26]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-16 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:31]: Train trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 VD increased to 13 reason: Stoped searching for Sosnowiec Główny signal because SBL signal with name L1_3076@-1799,75365,1 was reached [2023-04-17 23:42:35]: Audio source ambient is null! [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'znak_D1_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_600mm' and 'znak D-1 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'znak_D1_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_600mm' and 'znak D-1 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'znak_D1_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_600mm' and 'znak D-1 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'znak_D1_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_600mm' and 'znak D-1 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak T-6a Sredni' and 'znak_D_600mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak T-6a Sredni' and 'znak_D_600mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak T-6a Sredni' and 'znak_D_600mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak T-6a Sredni' and 'znak_D_600mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-7 Duzy' and 'znak_A_1050mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-7 Duzy' and 'znak_A_1050mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-7 Duzy' and 'znak_A_1050mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-7 Duzy' and 'znak_A_1050mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-36 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-36 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'znak_D_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900mm' and 'znak D-18 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:42:41]: Renderer 'znak_D_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900mm' and 'znak D-18 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:42:42]: Moving world is imminent [2023-04-17 23:42:42]: Moving world after being inhibited for 0 frames [2023-04-17 23:42:42]: Moving world x: 1024, y: 0, z: 512 [2023-04-17 23:42:43]: VL: terrain not found ivec2(-3584, 3072) [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-2 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-2 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'znak_D_1000mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-3 Wielki' and 'znak_D_1000mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'znak_D_1000mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-3 Wielki' and 'znak_D_1000mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_1050mm' and 'znak A-10 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_1050mm' and 'znak A-10 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-7 Duzy' and 'znak_A_1050mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-7 Duzy' and 'znak_A_1050mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_900mm' and 'znak B-1 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_900mm' and 'znak B-1 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1a' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1a' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'znak_E17_1000mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak E-17a' and 'znak_E17_1000mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'znak_E17_1000mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak E-17a' and 'znak_E17_1000mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'znak_D42_1200x530mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-42 Sredni' and 'znak_D42_1200x530mm'). [2023-04-17 23:42:59]: Renderer 'znak_D42_1200x530mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-42 Sredni' and 'znak_D42_1200x530mm'). [2023-04-17 23:43:09]: Can't create spawn point because other one is to close [2023-04-17 23:43:13]: Moving world is imminent [2023-04-17 23:43:13]: Moving world after being inhibited for 0 frames [2023-04-17 23:43:13]: Moving world x: 0, y: 0, z: 1024 [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_D_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-43' and 'znak_D_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_D_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-43' and 'znak_D_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1c' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1c' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1c' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1c' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1c' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1c' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G1' and 'znak G-1b'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G1' and 'znak G-1b'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G1' and 'znak G-1b'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G1' and 'znak G-1b'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G1' and 'znak G-1b'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G1' and 'znak G-1b'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_1050mm' and 'znak A-10 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_1050mm' and 'znak A-10 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_1050mm' and 'znak A-10 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_1050mm' and 'znak A-10 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_1050mm' and 'znak A-10 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_1050mm' and 'znak A-10 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1a' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1a' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1a' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1a' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1a' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1a' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_4m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_4m' and 'slup_4m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:43:15]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-41 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-41 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'separator' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor' and 'separator'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'separator' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor' and 'separator'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'separator' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'separator' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-36 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-36 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor'). [2023-04-17 23:43:32]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor'). [2023-04-17 23:43:33]: Can't create spawn point because other one is to close [2023-04-17 23:43:35]: Renderer 'znak_G3.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-3' and 'znak_G3'). [2023-04-17 23:43:35]: Renderer 'znak_G3.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-3' and 'znak_G3'). [2023-04-17 23:43:35]: Renderer 'znak_G3.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-3' and 'znak_G3'). [2023-04-17 23:43:35]: Renderer 'znak_G3.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-3' and 'znak_G3'). [2023-04-17 23:43:35]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1c' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:43:35]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1c' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:43:35]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G1' and 'znak G-1b'). [2023-04-17 23:43:35]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G1' and 'znak G-1b'). [2023-04-17 23:43:35]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_1050mm' and 'znak A-10 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:35]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_1050mm' and 'znak A-10 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:35]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:35]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:35]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:35]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:35]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:35]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:35]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1a' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:43:35]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1a' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:43:35]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:35]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:35]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:35]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:35]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:35]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:40]: Train trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 VD index kept at 13 reason: Found Będzin signal with name B_E2@-2035,97524,1 [2023-04-17 23:43:48]: Moving world is imminent [2023-04-17 23:43:48]: Moving world after being inhibited for 0 frames [2023-04-17 23:43:48]: Moving world x: 0, y: 0, z: 1024 [2023-04-17 23:43:48]: VL: terrain not found ivec2(-3072, 4608) [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_G3.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-3' and 'znak_G3'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_G3.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-3' and 'znak_G3'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_G3.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-3' and 'znak_G3'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_G3.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-3' and 'znak_G3'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Body_rear_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Body_front_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Body_rear_LOD1' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Body_front_LOD1' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Body_rear_LOD2' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Body_front_LOD2' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Body_rear_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Body_front_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Body_rear_LOD1' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Body_front_LOD1' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Body_rear_LOD2' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Body_front_LOD2' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1c' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1c' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_1050mm' and 'znak A-10 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_1050mm' and 'znak A-10 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_808_static_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_808_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_808_static_LOD1' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_808_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_808_static_LOD2' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_808_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_808_static_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_808_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_808_static_LOD1' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_808_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_808_static_LOD2' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_808_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-6 Sredni' and 'znak_D_600mm'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-6 Sredni' and 'znak_D_600mm'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-2 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-2 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-2 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-2 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'znak_D_900x1125mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_900x1125mm' and 'znak D-15 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Body_front_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static (1)' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Body_rear_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static (1)' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Body_front_LOD1' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static (1)' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Body_rear_LOD1' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static (1)' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Body_front_LOD2' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static (1)' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Body_rear_LOD2' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static (1)' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Body_front_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static (1)' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Body_rear_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static (1)' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Body_front_LOD1' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static (1)' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Body_rear_LOD1' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static (1)' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Body_front_LOD2' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static (1)' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'Body_rear_LOD2' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static (1)' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_long_808_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'sosnowiec_116_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_116_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_116_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'sosnowiec_116_LOD1' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_116_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_116_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'sosnowiec_116_LOD2' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_116_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_116_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'sosnowiec_116_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_116_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_116_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'sosnowiec_116_LOD1' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_116_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_116_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'sosnowiec_116_LOD2' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_116_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_116_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'sosnowiec_116_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_116_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_116_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'sosnowiec_116_LOD1' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_116_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_116_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'sosnowiec_116_LOD2' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_116_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_116_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'sosnowiec_116_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_116_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_116_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'sosnowiec_116_LOD1' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_116_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_116_static'). [2023-04-17 23:43:52]: Renderer 'sosnowiec_116_LOD2' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_116_static' and 'Mer_cigaro_sosnowiec_short_116_static'). [2023-04-17 23:44:17]: Train was detected by peron1_Bedzin train: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 [2023-04-17 23:44:17]: ListaCzlonow4 predkoscPociagu 64,55658 [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_T.007' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_T_600x750mm' and 'znak T-16a Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_T.007' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_T_600x750mm' and 'znak T-16a Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_T.017' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak T-30a Sredni' and 'znak_T_600x300mm'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_T.017' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak T-30a Sredni' and 'znak_T_600x300mm'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-22 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-22 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-2 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-2 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_T.036' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_T_240x600mm' and 'znak T-25a Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_T.036' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_T_240x600mm' and 'znak T-25a Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-21 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-21 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak C-11 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak C-11 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_D1_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_600mm' and 'znak D-1 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_D1_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_600mm' and 'znak D-1 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_D1_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_600mm' and 'znak D-1 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_D1_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_600mm' and 'znak D-1 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_D1_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_900mm' and 'znak D-1 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_D1_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_900mm' and 'znak D-1 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_D1_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_900mm' and 'znak D-1 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_D1_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_900mm' and 'znak D-1 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-18 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-18 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_40cm_1poz_L1' and 'separator (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_40cm_1poz_L1' and 'separator (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_40cm_1poz_L1' and 'separator (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_40cm_1poz_L1' and 'separator (1)'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_1050mm' and 'znak A-30 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_1050mm' and 'znak A-30 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_T.036' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak T-25c Sredni' and 'znak_T_240x600mm'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_T.036' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak T-25c Sredni' and 'znak_T_240x600mm'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak T-6a Sredni' and 'znak_D_600mm'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak T-6a Sredni' and 'znak_D_600mm'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-36 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-36 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-36 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-36 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-36 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-36 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_1poz_L1'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_1poz_L1'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_1poz_L1'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_1poz_L1'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-36 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-36 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_BC_600mm.006' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_600mm' and 'znak C-9 Maly'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_BC_600mm.006' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_600mm' and 'znak C-9 Maly'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_BC_600mm.006' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_600mm' and 'znak C-9 Maly'). [2023-04-17 23:44:18]: Renderer 'znak_BC_600mm.006' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_600mm' and 'znak C-9 Maly'). [2023-04-17 23:44:34]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:44:34]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:44:34]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:44:34]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:44:35]: Arriving at platform 1 [2023-04-17 23:45:24]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:45:24]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:45:24]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:45:24]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:45:36]: RailStockResourceManager warmingup prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Elf/EN76-006 [2023-04-17 23:45:36]: Default clip could not be found in attached animations list. [2023-04-17 23:45:36]: Default clip could not be found in attached animations list. [2023-04-17 23:45:36]: Renderer 'ekran_zgaszony' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('radiotelefon_koliber' and 'kabina_en76'). [2023-04-17 23:45:36]: Renderer 'ekran_zgaszony' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('radiotelefon_koliber' and 'kabina_en76'). [2023-04-17 23:45:36]: Renderer 'ekran_zgaszony' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('radiotelefon_koliber' and 'kabina_en76'). [2023-04-17 23:45:36]: Renderer 'ekran_zgaszony' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('radiotelefon_koliber' and 'kabina_en76'). [2023-04-17 23:45:36]: SplitBehaviour was null for prefab Elf/EN76-006 [2023-04-17 23:45:36]: RailStockResourceManager colling down prefab Prefabs/Vehicles/Elf/EN76-006 [2023-04-17 23:45:48]: Train trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 VD index kept at 13 reason: Found Będzin signal with name B_D@-2300,68046,1 [2023-04-17 23:45:49]: Train was removed by peron1_Bedzin train: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 [2023-04-17 23:45:56]: Moving world is imminent [2023-04-17 23:45:56]: Moving world after being inhibited for 0 frames [2023-04-17 23:45:56]: Moving world x: -512, y: 0, z: 1024 [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'znak_D1_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_900mm' and 'znak D-1 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'znak_D1_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_900mm' and 'znak D-1 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'znak_D1_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_900mm' and 'znak D-1 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'znak_D1_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_900mm' and 'znak D-1 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-7 Duzy' and 'znak_A_1050mm'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-7 Duzy' and 'znak_A_1050mm'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-7 Duzy' and 'znak_A_1050mm'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-7 Duzy' and 'znak_A_1050mm'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-36 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-36 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-36 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-36 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-36 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:45:58]: Renderer 'znak_BC_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-36 Duzy' and 'znak_BC_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:46:01]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:46:01]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:46:01]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:46:01]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:46:01]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:46:01]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:46:01]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:46:01]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:46:10]: Train trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 VD increased to 14 reason: Stoped searching for Będzin signal because SBL signal with name L1_3036@-2091,69106,4 was reached [2023-04-17 23:46:20]: Renderer 'znak_D_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-4a Duzy' and 'znak_D_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:46:20]: Renderer 'znak_D_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-4a Duzy' and 'znak_D_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:46:20]: Renderer 'znak_D1_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_900mm' and 'znak D-1 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:46:20]: Renderer 'znak_D1_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_900mm' and 'znak D-1 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:46:20]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:46:20]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:46:20]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-7 Duzy' and 'znak_A_1050mm'). [2023-04-17 23:46:20]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-7 Duzy' and 'znak_A_1050mm'). [2023-04-17 23:46:20]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:46:20]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:46:20]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:46:20]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:46:20]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:46:20]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:46:20]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:46:20]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:46:20]: Train was detected by peron2_Bedzin_Miasto train: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 [2023-04-17 23:46:20]: ListaCzlonow4 predkoscPociagu 85,37593 [2023-04-17 23:46:36]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:46:36]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:46:36]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:46:36]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:46:37]: Arriving at platform 2 [2023-04-17 23:47:05]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:47:05]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:47:05]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:47:05]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:47:21]: Train was removed by peron2_Bedzin_Miasto train: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 [2023-04-17 23:47:29]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:47:29.842) CapturePipelineManager: Detected a frame skip, forcing capture pipeline reset (Delta Time:0,2019074) [2023-04-17 23:47:29]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:47:29.885) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Began mic capture (SampleRate:44100Hz, FrameSize:882, Buffer Limit:2^13, Latency:20ms, Device:'') [2023-04-17 23:47:31]: Moving world is imminent [2023-04-17 23:47:31]: Moving world after being inhibited for 0 frames [2023-04-17 23:47:31]: Moving world x: 0, y: 0, z: 1024 [2023-04-17 23:47:44]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:47:44.495) CapturePipelineManager: Detected a frame skip, forcing capture pipeline reset (Delta Time:0,1614618) [2023-04-17 23:47:44]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:47:44.538) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Began mic capture (SampleRate:44100Hz, FrameSize:882, Buffer Limit:2^13, Latency:20ms, Device:'') [2023-04-17 23:47:50]: Train trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 VD increased to 15 reason: Stoped searching for Będzin Miasto signal because SBL signal with name L1_3022@-945,89661,4 was reached [2023-04-17 23:47:59]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:47:59]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:47:59]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:47:59]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:47:59]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:47:59]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:47:59]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:47:59]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:47:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:47:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:47:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:47:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:47:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:47:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:47:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:47:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:47:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:47:59]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:47:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_400mm.008' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-41 Mini' and 'znak_BC_400mm'). [2023-04-17 23:47:59]: Renderer 'znak_BC_400mm.008' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-41 Mini' and 'znak_BC_400mm'). [2023-04-17 23:48:01]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:48:01.106) CapturePipelineManager: Detected a frame skip, forcing capture pipeline reset (Delta Time:0,2296093) [2023-04-17 23:48:01]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:48:01.123) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Began mic capture (SampleRate:44100Hz, FrameSize:882, Buffer Limit:2^13, Latency:20ms, Device:'') [2023-04-17 23:48:02]: Can't create spawn point because other one is to close [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'separator' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor' and 'separator'). [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'separator' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor' and 'separator'). [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor'). [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor'). [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m (1)' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m (1)' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'separator' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor'). [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'separator' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor'). [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor'). [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'separator (1)' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('separator (1)' and 'tablica_blue1_40cm_2tor'). [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:48:03]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:48:05]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:48:05.486) CapturePipelineManager: Detected a frame skip, forcing capture pipeline reset (Delta Time:0,1661648) [2023-04-17 23:48:05]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:48:05.610) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Began mic capture (SampleRate:44100Hz, FrameSize:882, Buffer Limit:2^13, Latency:20ms, Device:'') [2023-04-17 23:48:10]: Moving world is imminent [2023-04-17 23:48:10]: Moving world after being inhibited for 0 frames [2023-04-17 23:48:10]: Moving world x: 1024, y: 0, z: 512 [2023-04-17 23:48:23]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:48:23.094) CapturePipelineManager: Detected a frame skip, forcing capture pipeline reset (Delta Time:0,1791016) [2023-04-17 23:48:23]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:48:23.126) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Began mic capture (SampleRate:44100Hz, FrameSize:882, Buffer Limit:2^13, Latency:20ms, Device:'') [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_T.017' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak T-30h Sredni' and 'znak_T_600x300mm'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_T.017' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak T-30h Sredni' and 'znak_T_600x300mm'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600x750mm' and 'znak D-18a Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600x750mm' and 'znak D-18a Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1c' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1c' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-33 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-33 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_D1_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_600mm' and 'znak D-1 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_D1_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_600mm' and 'znak D-1 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-18 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-18 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-18 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-18 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-18 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-18 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-18 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-18 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak T-6a Sredni' and 'znak_D_600mm'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak T-6a Sredni' and 'znak_D_600mm'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-36 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-36 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-36 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-36 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_T.026' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_T_720x430mm' and 'znak T-29 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'znak_T.026' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_T_720x430mm' and 'znak T-29 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: Renderer 'slup_1m.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_1m' and 'slup_1m'). [2023-04-17 23:48:34]: The Font Atlas Texture of the Font Asset LiberationSans SDF assigned to tekst B-33 is missing. [2023-04-17 23:48:35]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3670670 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:48:35]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3670668 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:48:35]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3670674 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:48:35]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3670672 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:48:35]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3670666 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:48:35]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3670664 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:48:35]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3670690 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:48:35]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3670688 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:48:35]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3670660 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:48:35]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3670658 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:48:35]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:48:35.201) CapturePipelineManager: Detected a frame skip, forcing capture pipeline reset (Delta Time:0,2560162) [2023-04-17 23:48:35]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:48:35.213) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Began mic capture (SampleRate:44100Hz, FrameSize:882, Buffer Limit:2^13, Latency:20ms, Device:'') [2023-04-17 23:48:41]: Train was detected by peron1_Bedzin_Ksawera train: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 [2023-04-17 23:48:41]: ListaCzlonow4 predkoscPociagu 42,43443 [2023-04-17 23:48:58]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:48:58]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:48:58]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:48:58]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:48:59]: Arriving at platform 1 [2023-04-17 23:51:03]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:51:03]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:51:03]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:51:03]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to False. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:51:23]: Train was removed by peron1_Bedzin_Ksawera train: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 [2023-04-17 23:51:28]: Moving world is imminent [2023-04-17 23:51:28]: Moving world after being inhibited for 0 frames [2023-04-17 23:51:28]: Moving world x: 1024, y: 0, z: 512 [2023-04-17 23:51:30]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3714522 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:30]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3714518 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:30]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3714520 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:30]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3714540 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:30]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3714538 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:30]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3714532 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:30]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3714534 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:30]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3714536 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:30]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3714530 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:30]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3714528 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:30]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3714526 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:30]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3714524 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:30]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3714516 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:30]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3714514 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:30]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3714512 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:30]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3714544 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:30]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3714542 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:30]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3714554 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:30]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3714552 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:30]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3714550 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:30]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3714546 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:30]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3714548 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:30]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3714500 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:30]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3714498 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:30]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3714496 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:32]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-30 Sredni' and 'znak_A_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:51:32]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-30 Sredni' and 'znak_A_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:51:32]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:32]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:32]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:32]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:32]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-1 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:51:32]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-1 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:51:50]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-33 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:51:50]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-33 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:51:50]: Renderer 'znak_D1_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_600mm' and 'znak D-1 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:51:50]: Renderer 'znak_D1_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_600mm' and 'znak D-1 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:51:50]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:50]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:50]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:50]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:50]: The Font Atlas Texture of the Font Asset LiberationSans SDF assigned to tekst B-33 is missing. [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-4 Sredni' and 'znak_A_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-4 Sredni' and 'znak_A_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-15 Sredni' and 'znak_D_600x750mm'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-15 Sredni' and 'znak_D_600x750mm'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-15 Sredni' and 'znak_D_600x750mm'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-15 Sredni' and 'znak_D_600x750mm'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-15 Sredni' and 'znak_D_600x750mm'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-15 Sredni' and 'znak_D_600x750mm'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_BC_600mm.006' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_600mm' and 'znak B-9 Maly'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_BC_600mm.006' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_600mm' and 'znak B-9 Maly'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-33 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-33 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-18 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-18 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-18 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-18 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-36 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-36 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-5 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-5 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_BC_400mm.008' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-41 Mini' and 'znak_BC_400mm'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_BC_400mm.008' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-41 Mini' and 'znak_BC_400mm'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_D19_620x300mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-19' and 'znak_D19_620x300mm'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_D19_620x300mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-19' and 'znak_D19_620x300mm'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_G4.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_G4' and 'znak G-4'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_BC_600mm.006' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_600mm' and 'znak C-9 Maly'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Renderer 'znak_BC_600mm.006' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_600mm' and 'znak C-9 Maly'). [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: The Font Atlas Texture of the Font Asset LiberationSans SDF assigned to tekst B-33 is missing. [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: The Font Atlas Texture of the Font Asset LiberationSans SDF assigned to Channel2 is missing. [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: The Font Atlas Texture of the Font Asset LiberationSans SDF assigned to Channel2 is missing. [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: The Font Atlas Texture of the Font Asset LiberationSans SDF assigned to Channel2 is missing. [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: The Font Atlas Texture of the Font Asset LiberationSans SDF assigned to Channel2 is missing. [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3829932 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3829930 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3829944 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3829946 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3829940 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3829938 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3829956 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3829966 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3829962 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3829914 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3829908 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Train trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 VD increased to 16 reason: Stoped searching for Będzin Ksawera signal because signal of station Dąbrowa Górnicza was found with name DG_D@968,39751,5 [2023-04-17 23:51:55]: Train trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 VD index kept at 16 reason: Found Dąbrowa Górnicza signal with name DG_D@968,39751,5 [2023-04-17 23:52:04]: Moving world is imminent [2023-04-17 23:52:04]: Moving world after being inhibited for 0 frames [2023-04-17 23:52:04]: Moving world x: 1024, y: 0, z: 0 [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_A_750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-11a Maly' and 'znak_A_750mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_A_750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-11a Maly' and 'znak_A_750mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-2 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-2 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-15 Sredni' and 'znak_D_600x750mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_D_600x750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-15 Sredni' and 'znak_D_600x750mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-18 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-18 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-11a Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-11a Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-3 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_D_600mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D_600mm' and 'znak D-3 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_A_750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-17 Maly' and 'znak_A_750mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_A_750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-17 Maly' and 'znak_A_750mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_D46_900x420mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-53' and 'znak_D46_900x420mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_D46_900x420mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-53' and 'znak_D46_900x420mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_D46_900x420mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-53' and 'znak_D46_900x420mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_D46_900x420mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-53' and 'znak_D46_900x420mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_BC_600mm.006' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-33 Maly' and 'znak_BC_600mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_BC_600mm.006' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-33 Maly' and 'znak_BC_600mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_BC_600mm.006' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-33 Maly' and 'znak_BC_600mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_BC_600mm.006' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-33 Maly' and 'znak_BC_600mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_D46_900x420mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-52' and 'znak_D46_900x420mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_D46_900x420mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak D-52' and 'znak_D46_900x420mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-5 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-5 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: The Font Atlas Texture of the Font Asset LiberationSans SDF assigned to tekst B-33 is missing. [2023-04-17 23:52:05]: The Font Atlas Texture of the Font Asset LiberationSans SDF assigned to tekst B-33 is missing. [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1c' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1c' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1c' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'znak_G1.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak G-1c' and 'znak_G1'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'znak_D1_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_900mm' and 'znak D-1 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'znak_D1_900mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_D1_900mm' and 'znak D-1 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m (1)' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m (1)' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_1050mm' and 'znak A-9 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_1050mm' and 'znak A-9 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_1050mm' and 'znak A-9 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'znak_A_1050mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_1050mm' and 'znak A-9 Duzy'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-9 Sredni' and 'znak_A_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-9 Sredni' and 'znak_A_900mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-5 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-5 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3917192 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3917194 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3917202 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3917200 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3917198 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3917196 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3917190 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3917210 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3917208 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3917174 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:52:09]: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 3917172 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderDatabase.AttachGameObjectData (UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDLightRenderEntity entity, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, UnityEngine.GameObject aovGameObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDAdditionalLightData.CreateHDLightRenderEntity (System.Boolean autoDestroy) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [2023-04-17 23:52:28]: Train trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 VD index kept at 16 reason: Found Dąbrowa Górnicza signal with name DG_C2@1243,19669,4 [2023-04-17 23:52:30]: Train was detected by peron1_Dabrowa_Gornicza train: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 [2023-04-17 23:52:30]: ListaCzlonow4 predkoscPociagu 43,14311 [2023-04-17 23:52:33]: Couldn't create a Convex Mesh from source mesh "Spiral" within the maximum polygons limit (256). The partial hull will be used. Consider simplifying your mesh. [2023-04-17 23:52:33]: Couldn't create a Convex Mesh from source mesh "Spiral_2" within the maximum polygons limit (256). The partial hull will be used. Consider simplifying your mesh. [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'znak_A_750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-11a Maly' and 'znak_A_750mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'znak_A_750mm.002' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak A-11a Maly' and 'znak_A_750mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-2 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-2 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-25 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-25 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-7 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'slup_3.5m.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('slup_3.5m' and 'slup_3.5m'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-6c Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'znak_A_900mm.001' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_A_900mm' and 'znak A-6c Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'znak_BC_600mm.006' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-33 Maly' and 'znak_BC_600mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'znak_BC_600mm.006' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-33 Maly' and 'znak_BC_600mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-1 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak B-1 Sredni' and 'znak_BC_800mm'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-5 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: Renderer 'znak_BC_800mm.004' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('znak_BC_800mm' and 'znak B-5 Sredni'). [2023-04-17 23:52:34]: The Font Atlas Texture of the Font Asset LiberationSans SDF assigned to tekst B-33 is missing. [2023-04-17 23:52:36]: Audio source ambient is null! [2023-04-17 23:52:37]: VL: terrain not found ivec2(-512, 10752) [2023-04-17 23:53:45]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:53:45]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:53:45]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:53:45]: trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 navMeshSurfaces state set to True. ActiveOnSurface: 0 [2023-04-17 23:53:46]: Arriving at platform 1 [2023-04-17 23:54:42]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:54:42.597) CapturePipelineManager: Detected a frame skip, forcing capture pipeline reset (Delta Time:0,1674265) [2023-04-17 23:54:42]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:54:42.613) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Began mic capture (SampleRate:44100Hz, FrameSize:882, Buffer Limit:2^13, Latency:20ms, Device:'') [2023-04-17 23:55:12]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:55:12.870) CapturePipelineManager: Detected a frame skip, forcing capture pipeline reset (Delta Time:0,1585847) [2023-04-17 23:55:12]: [Dissonance:Recording] (21:55:12.889) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Began mic capture (SampleRate:44100Hz, FrameSize:882, Buffer Limit:2^13, Latency:20ms, Device:'') [2023-04-17 23:56:03]: Train trainset-74d7a701-11d8-4096-b422-062fde679386 is stuck at W4. Ignoring stop at Dąbrowa Górnicza_1_2_P!
  2. Od dłuższego czasu podczas rozmów z innymi dyżurnymi ruchu poprzez telefon dostępny na nastawniach w trakcie połączenia je przerywa (nie odkłada słuchawki ale gdy coś mówię to gdy przerywa połączenie nie świeci się ikonka telefonu obok czatu tekstowego). Gdyby był do tego potrzebny log lub zrzut ekranu proszę o informację, dołączę. Pozdrawiam, Ziarno67
  3. Po wydaniu najnowszej aktualizacji występuje problem z tabliczkami na drzwiach w Pendolino, umieszczam zrzuty ekranu i loga ale problem występuje na każdej trasie, na każdych drzwiach i na każdym serwerze. Pozdrawiam, Ziarno67
  4. Po wgraniu nowego patcha 19 lutego występuje problem na wszystkich nastawniach z dźwiękiem deszczu, jest on za głośny (jakby stało się pod jakąś rynną), problem dotyczy tylko gdy jest się w środku nastawni. Utrudnia to bardzo komunikację z innymi graczami i dyżurnymi przez co czasami nie słyszą co do nich mówię. Problem ten nie przeszkadza tylko mi, piszę ten post w imieniu całego serwera PL2 i tych osób które wtedy były na nastawniach i skarżyły się na to. Również liczę na szybkie rozwiązanie problemu z rozłączaniem połączenia gdy wchodzi się w monitory bo jest to bardzo niepraktyczne rozwiązanie.
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