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  1. The EU/EPs have same feature. In these locos there is a switch that can only be in three positions: high horn, off, low horn. So you are physically not able to sound both horns at the same time Does the Traxx have seperat buttons/switches for high and low horns or the same switch arrangement as EU/EPs? If i remember it correct the EN57 has two foot paddels. One for low and one for high horn.
  2. It kinda allready is in the game. 1. You could start an existing scenario and use the debug menu to do all things you have described. 2. Copy the scenario template from the installation directory and start from scratch.
  3. Nachdem wir Rangieren nur im SP bekommen haben, finde ich die Annahme nicht unrealistisch, dass manche Inhalte nur im SP verfügbar sein werden. Ich persönlich werde mich da überraschen lassen. Für mich wären sowohl der SP only als auch der Ansatz, dass die Inhalte im MP verfügbar sein werden, plausibel.
  4. I had the same problem in the past. For me it helped to let the ammeter settle when reaching the notches where the shunting lever can be engaged (don´t know the exact number of notches). Then im am using 2-3 notches of the shunting lever to keep accelerating. After that i am setting the shunting lever to 0 and then use the main notches of the wheel. This works most of the time. The heavier the train the more shunting lever notches have to be used before using more wheel notches. I hope the this can help with your problem.
  5. @TriTri 248m Quelle: https://semaforek.kolej.org.pl/wiki/index.php?title=Sosnowiec_Główny
  6. Fährst du andere Züge als sonst? Ich habe das Problem, dass mir das Spiel immer dann abraucht, wenn ich Traxx fahre. Und wenn ich in Warschau unterwegs ist allgemein die Performance schlecht.
  7. It´s a know bug that sometimes it is impossible to take over vehicles that have ETCS installed. You can even wait a few minutes and still can´t take over the train. Only way to fix is to reload into the train or even restart the game entirely.
  8. https://stellwerke.info/stw/ greift auch "nur" auf die Daten von https://semaforek.kolej.org.pl/ Solange man in der Lage ist, die Website übersetzen zu lassen, kann man dort jegliche Infos zu polnischen Stationen und Strecken finden. Dort kann man auch nach Nummern von Strecken suchen und sehen, welche Stationen auf der Strecke mit dieser Nummer liegen. Allerdings brauch man inzwischen einen kostenlosen Account, um manche Inhalte zu sehen. Wenn man sich für tiefer gehende Infos über die Stationen interessiert, kann ich das aber sehr empfehlen.
  9. Da kann ich DeepL als Browser Plugin empfehlen. In manchen Browsern ist auch die Möglichkeit vorhanden ganze Websites übersetzen zu lassen.
  10. That´s interesting. Do you have a reference for that? I really would like to share that piece of information.
  11. Another argument would be that in poland you have to have a second person in the cap if you have a train with a top speed of 130+km/h and the track and/or vehicle is not equiped with ETCS.
  12. @Glendathu You could look here for other user created scenarios: https://forum.simrail.eu/forum/112-scenarios/ and here for tips, tricks and questions about LUA-mission editing: https://forum.simrail.eu/forum/120-lua-scripting/
  13. The 40km/h in the hud prior to crossing the signal is kind of a bug. Normaly all substitute signals should mean that you have to slow down to 40km/h. In your case you are released into an SBL block (Automatic Block Signaling) in that case the roule of permissive driving kicks in. That means if you are driving onsight through an SBL you have to do that with no more then 20km/h until you crossed a signal that is not showing S1(Red/ Stop signal). The substitute signal implied that you have to drive onsight.
  14. Nearly all theses points have been suggested in the past. Maybe you can look into the following forum section to look for suggestions that have allready been made and post your own future suggestions there: https://forum.simrail.eu/forum/94-suggestions-for-improvements-multiplayer/
  15. Here is the wrong place for bug reporting. Follow this Link to the singleplaye bug reporting section: https://forum.simrail.eu/forum/90-bug-reporting-singleplayer/
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