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SimRail Early Access

ItsBurn2020 last won the day on April 28 2023

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  1. hi, i am thinking that the amount of cargo wagons is a bit lacking, but it is still in early access so who am i to blame, but i was thinking if there is a possibility to add so called SS wagons, these are wagons made to go to 120 km/h with loads, for example the SDGGMRSS, this is a wagon used to transport containers and semitrailers, and for some reason the name also says it is possible to transport trucks/cars with a special inlay so that things can roll, or maybe the LAAEFFRS, this is a car wagon but it is made to go 100 with load and 120 without, i was thinking if adding some modern looking wagons will make the game feel more up to date, i am not 100% sure if poland uses those but if not, they would make the game much more interesting, i have worked with railway wagons for some time so it would be cool to see some newer stuff. Here is the home page for one of the biggest wagon manufacturers witch have nice technical drawings of their stuff so you can get the real dimentions and, other examples [http://tatravagonka.sk/wagons/?lang=en] [https://www.vtg.com/fileadmin/VTG/Dokumente/waggon_datenblaetter/Taschenwagen-Sdggmrs_s_-TWIN-T72.096D.pdf] [https://www.vtg.com/fileadmin/VTG/Dokumente/waggon_datenblaetter/Containerwagen-Sggmrs_s_104.pdf] [https://www.vtg.com/fileadmin/VTG/Dokumente/waggon_datenblaetter/Fluessiggas-Kesselwagen-LPG-G25.123D.pdf]
  2. when stationed at bedzin station you cant see train 14141 on the timetable it is supposed to pass at 00:00
  3. i was driving train 14113 and when i came to opozno pludnie the game did not register my train so i could not stop, i continued and the the timetable just adjusted so i did not get -1000 points but that might be checked ?
  4. When you talk to other dispatchers the game cuts out the connection so you have to recall the dispatcher happens even with ppl from the same country
  5. i thought that the possibility to be able to sit in the chairs as a dispatcher would be nice, then you can look out of the windows at the same time look at the monitors straight and maybe to do the both, so if you prefer to sit or stand while looking at the monitors
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