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SimRail Early Access


11 Good
  1. Hello all, Hello developers, I especially love immersion and therefore ride without a cheat window. The problem is that the time table really only contains the times. But the odometer would be important to know how far you are from the next stop. The only way to get this information is via the "next point" cheat window. But this is exactly the window I want to activate least of all, as it displays the exact distance and the next signal. This is information that is very important for a beginner. But for someone who is more experienced and only lacks route knowledge, this is a big fun killer. The fact that you have to stop very strictly at the station is also quite inconvenient, but strangely enough that doesn't bother me that much. Here at least the appropriate information is displayed without having to activate a cheat window. What is annoying, however, is that the duration of the passengers' boarding and alighting is again only visible through the one cheat window. Or is there an alternative? In the short term, it would be nice if you could show the information about the duration of boarding and alighting independently of the cheat window. And if the kilometre readings of the stops were included in the timetable. Alternatively, it would be nice to have a display without a cheat window that shows you 1-2km before you reach the station that you are about to reach the next station with a scheduled stop. In the long term, of course, a complete timetable would be great, in which the kilometre readings for all stations, signals and speed changes could be called up and displayed in the game. Information that surely a train driver in Poland also needs to know before departure, right? And then, of course, it would be great if you could also switch off this cheating information completely and learn via other (acoustic) signals or events in the game world that you are in the right position and that you can continue driving. Then I would like to say that you have a really great basis for a fantastic train simulator here.
  2. I would like to be able to drive with another, play with another player. Not just beside others.😅 Isn't the whole point of multiplayer to be able to play with each other? A feature like being able to drive with friends in the same loco would add some value. If you don't want to drive with others, that's still valid. A feature like this does not take anything away, does it? For reality thoughts, in the real world, there are trains where more than one person sits inside the cabin. Every training is like that, isn't it? So for reality thoughts, it would add value, not take value. With this feature, you could make training seasons, for example. Or on long journeys, what about driver switches without the need to disconnect 😉 just my 2 cent 😊
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