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Everything posted by RockHawk

  1. Choosing Lazy as it would be interesting to play, and also the AI dispatcher there seems to have a habit of forgetting about freight trains so having a human option to unstick things would be nice.
  2. To address this and all other situations like it, the train departed message could have an optional track number field added, which the AI dispatcher would populate whenever there was a choice of tracks (or it could just always set it if that's easier).
  3. When playing Katowice Zawodzie, it would be handy to know whether a train Katowice sends will arrive on track 2 or 4, so the correct route can be set before the train is indicated on the extremely short panel screen.
  4. Since the patch last weekend the servers have been quite flaky - AI trains have had stuttering movement and I've had quite a few disconnects. I think the weird AI train movement is causing other issues too. Hopefully this gets sorted soon!
  5. OK, having found and read this thread I now understand how to work around the issue, but surely this is not an "invalid bug"! Key bindings should be disabled while typing in the dispatcher chat boxes like they are when you are typing in the radio chat when driving.
  6. I was dispatching at Bedzin and couldn't find train 14141 in the timetable. I suspect this is because it arrives at 00:00.
  7. I think this would be quite useful to look around and understand how the tracks all worked around a particular signal box. I'd like to spawn into a dispatcher box *without being the dispatcher*, then walk outside so I can get a good look at all the trackwork to understand how it relates to the diagram.
  8. It would also be nice to have keyboard shortcuts to bring up these menus to send messages to each of the neighbouring dispatchers. Maybe use the function keys, and e.g. shift function key for voice?
  9. I appreciate in the short term just disabling stuff is helpful to keep trains running - but it would be good if SG had the same restrictions to avoid trains getting stuck. Long term, I would've thought it would be better if bits of the panel weren't randomly disabled. I guess the original panel doesn't indicate which sections are electrified, but maybe it would be good to apply some artistic licence here and indicate the end of electrified sections clearly on the panel, so players don't make this mistake by accident.
  10. In the attached screenshot I have a train waiting at signal P. I tried pulling and pushing the buttons I've put red circles around, but the switches to allow the route to the mainline didn't change. I'm not 100% sure whether this is a bug or I'm doing the wrong thing, but I tried many nearby buttons and ran out of ideas. I logged out and the AI was able to move the switches and release the train, but then I was also unable to set them back to straight when I logged back in again. Edited to add: This was in EN3 at 13:50-14:00 server time today (21/01).
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