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SimRail Early Access


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  1. Ok great news! My game is also working, thanks to PogromcaCzasu666 This thread and close if you wish.
  2. Ask PogromcaCzasu666, he just fixed my game with a new .EXE file! Good luck to you my friend! Rhody
  3. Wow thank you very much PogromcaCzasu That worked! You are very kind! Rhody
  4. Hello thank you. I will give that a try. I assume that is a replacement .exe file that goes into steamapps, common. Thank you for your help. Rhody
  5. Hi thank you! I sadly don't use Discord due to security risks, and attacks in the past. Rhody
  6. Good day all. I downloaded the Sim Rail Patch and verified files. Game will not load now after Patch. Windows 10, Asus 6GB, 1660 GPU. Latest Windows Update this morning. Any help would be super. Thank you Rhody, USA
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