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SimRail Early Access


1 Neutral
  1. HAHA 😄 Okay, great. Thank you!
  2. Wie?! Łazy ist nich "Lazy? 😄 Ich bin schockiert. Spaß beiseite, danke!
  3. Hey guys, a quick question for our polish railway experts: Why are the TLK 24XXX trains taking the detour via Dorata and Juliusz instead of going via Bedzin? They don´t stop at Poludniowy or somewhere else, they just stroll casually with 30 kmh trough the woods. 😄 Is there any particular reason why?
  4. But in the cab you cannot access the whole timetable of the train, can you? Did I miss a hotkey or option for this?
  5. That would be great. As someone who isnt familiar with the polish train abbreviations (and the stations wihtin the existing line) it is somewhat a surprise what train I drive. Does it stop? How often? where? Whats the starting point, where does it end? Would be great,if this will be put in the game! 😄
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