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Locomotiveman 1994

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SimRail Early Access


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  1. @Loongeron, @CN-BX-3N I only mentioned it for completeness sake. I'm all for those phrases. It would make communication with AI operated signal boxes possible, just like it does in dispatcher mode. That alone is reason enough to add it.
  2. But then again, we've got dedicated language servers...
  3. That's because a station, by its very nature, has an entry and exit signal. But halts don't, so you need some reference to warn the drivers they're approaching one.
  4. An Irl clock or watch would do the trick as well, if you're playing on a server of your own time zone. Alternatively, you could set the watch to the in-game time.
  5. A Eurocity (EC) is standardised international UIC train class, and basically an international Intercity (IC). Of wich a main feature is, that they're made up of loco hauled stock. So, unless Poland denotes their trains different then literally the entire rest of Europe, Pendolinos can't perrform EC duties...
  6. Tbh, I prefer a tuned off screen then a one that's uselessly turned on. If it can display something useful, turn it on. If not, then why bother?
  7. The thing is, train consists aren't random. They follow the timetable just as much as anything else does. Peak hour trains tend to be longer and heavier then a off-peak or even night time train. Having a double-unit train off-peak would be unrealistic, as it's a waste of resources, and a peak hour train with only one unit would not be able to cope with the demand. And as a driver, you don't get to choose the loco you're driving. You're assigned one by the loco disposition. Freight trains tend to have more fluctuation, but they follow the demand and supply rule as well, only they aren't tied to peak or off-peak times. What I could see would give some alternation when driving freight trains, would be randomised train lengths, maybe even have a low chance off the loco running light when it actually should have a train to pull. This way, not every train is the same each day/hour.
  8. uetam posted this on Discord the other day: which appears to be a copy of the actual time tables used by polish engine drivers. Which is very reminiscent of the german "Blattfahrplan/Buchfahrplan". I made one in Exel a while back for a scenario in Train Simulator, and I can see how this could be altered to be used in Simrail:
  9. I could imagine a system where you can tick boxes like "alone", "only Steam friends" and "anyone" to denote who can join an already occupied box, with the person that initially started playing it having some sort of admin privileges like kicking the other player(s).
  10. This is though hoe it works irl. Signallers don't have a visual over the whole station, some don't even have a visual on the stration at all as they're situated hundreds of miles away these days!
  11. I agree. Maybe even a feature that you can play one box in co-op? Have an experienced player show a rookie how to operate the box, just like irl. But what I think is more important, is a tutorial on communication protocol. As a professional railwayman, I know how to correctly communicate on radio and telephone, but many that don't have such a background do not, some even downright failing to communicate at all. It makes dispatching in a useful manner hard to downright impossible.
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