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SimRail Early Access


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  1. Will there be a shunting operation in the upcoming update? You promised it earlier, but I don't see it in the announcement.
  2. I also played, but it was difficult to get in. I don't think it should be limited, but either more servers are needed or over time dedicated servers with passwords are needed.
  3. Since Katowice was added, it has not been possible to try it on any server, because someone is on it on every server. I don't care about the game as long as it's this complicated.
  4. Ahh Siemens Desiro and track without catenary. I'll wait 🙂
  5. As I can see, it is not possible to keep the two-week cycle. Is there a major update going on that is causing the delay?
  6. The picture shows that the three times are different. (And unfortunately the EDR also shows a different time, a 4th.)
  7. Will we get a station every two weeks? Isn't it now?
  8. I saw it in the server list last night, but there was no AI traffic (according to the map), today the server is not visible.
  9. Thank you this is great!
  10. Small error in the Hungarian translation: "Helenlegi hely" (Current location) Corrected: "Jelenlegi hely" And big thanks, fantastic work!
  11. It would be very good We would also like to request a forum for Hungarians.
  12. yes, this's what we used to argue 😀
  13. It would be nice to pick up another job without leaving the server. Take on the job and go to the starting point like in Derail Valley. You can even perform a complex operation. This is also a walking mode
  14. In dispatcher mode, it would be nice if i could watch the traffic from the external camera view with a fixed or free camera (or both). There are stations where I can't see out of the window because the equipment is obstructing it, or the windows are "under" the tracks
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