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Everything posted by Blt950

  1. Please add the possibility to submit the dialogue boxes such as "train departed at" with ENTER (and NUMPAD ENTER). It's so annoying you can write it with the numpad, but you have to use your mouse to send the message.
  2. Interesting! Your description of the issue is exactly the same as I have. Though in my case the game crashes if I restart Discord. I got a friend suggesting to turn off hardware acceleration in streams, I haven't tested it yet but it helped for him. Though that's more a workaround rather than a fix. Specs: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz 32GB RAM W11 64-bit newest version RTX3080 Graphics Running of a 500GB SSD
  3. Hi, If I stream on Discord while playing SimRail, after a while all voice from Discord disappears. If I restart Discord while the game is running, or wait a while, the game crashes. This seems to happen regardless of scenery or vehicle, also happens on 21.01.2023 update. I'm running W11 on the newest version and have my graphic drivers updated. I doubt this a Discord issue, as this only happens with SimRail, no other game. I've another friend with the exact same issue as well, so seems to affect more people. SimRail_log_2023-01-22_22-13-43.txt
  4. I might have missed something, but I see modders making custom browser-maps and EDRs, probably by using some kind of API. Could someone point me in the right direction where I can find information of all the available API endpoints, so I can play around as well? 🙂
  5. With a multimonitor setup on my side, I'd love to be able to pop-out the dispatch signal monitor on a second screen. So I can use one monitor to view, and my two others for timetable and steering the signals. For instance a bit like the route table where you can open it locally in your browser: Just for signal management instead as well. E.g. locally ran localhost server (so it's not abused).
  6. Good suggestion, I'd like to see this as well. In addition to accepting "enter" key to send the message after you write test in the textbox as well 🙂
  7. As this is valid for both single and multiplayer, I'll post it here 🙂 I'm not a train pro, so could be that today's route UI on the left side is realistic, but just in case there's room for improvement. Here's my thoughts that would answer my frustration of passing stations I actually needed to stop at, at least before I learned how to read it. I sketched up my thoughts below. An additional thought (not sketched) is that the order should perhaps be reversed. If you drive forward, the current station should perhaps be at bottom and then moving up, rather than the other way around as today.
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