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Everything posted by Tin

  1. Train 42114 is unable to depart and is waiting in front of signal. This is a constant issue that can be ovserved after running 2-3 trains trough 660. Poludniowsky verified that the track 2 is free but signal still shows red.
  2. I noticed at Katowice Station that there is a spritesheet displaying behind the fence.
  3. What happend? I was operating the signal box in Glowny for the evening. I actively spoke to the nearby signal box coordinated trains. When I joined we had a Blockage at Poludniowy 660 which I resolved and could keep trains going. I was able to send two more trains successfully, each time the Poludniowy verifying that it could be accepted. Now I asked for the next train, 42144 to enter Poludniowy at Track 2. This was accepted by the AI Signal box. Proof A Then I set the direction for the interlocking and set the track for the train. It went over the signalbox and then came to a halt due to a red signal after my interlocking. Proof B You can see that interlocking at the remote stations are all to the right. On the left side from Katowice Zawozie it was due to one track being blocked, that we redirected all non 42 Trains that needed to go over to the track 1. This worked fairly well. On the right it was set due to a high-speed train overtaking a slower regional train but would have returned to normal. I tried my best to keep everything going and it went well for regular traffic with the exception of the blocked 660 line. We tried the train to go back via a substitute signal but sadly I lost comms with the driver. Result After the Server restart, I was left with the following message after trying to reconnect. I think I received this ban unfairly and or in error due to not blocking the station. Rather the AI at Pillowice should be banned due to not accepting my traffic. I am very certain that I did not do anything wrong, but if you notice an error I made. Please let me know.
  4. In a sense, would it be an interesting feature. Yes! Would it something I would prioritize over what's currently planned. No. It is already possible to get out of your cab and explore the stations a bit. And I would love to see that you could do a bit more, but on the train. I.e. things that could go wrong like a door that needs resetting or something similar. But there is little point in joining as guest on a train, as the 2nd person would have little to do. Where I could see this more would be in the dispatching stations, where it would actually make sense to have multiple people running a large station. Especially if there is a lot of traffic when 10 trains are late and enter your station..... there is no 2nd person to handle communcations.
  5. I had a similiar issue, I used WaveLink from Elgato and had the Volume display only in the main menu and in game the volume preview was at 0. For me the issue was fixed when I disabled any external software that interferied with voice communication such as Voicemeeter or Wave Link. Ingame I had no microphone, the preview was empty and only sounded when I changed the Microphone after I clicked apply the microphone preview was at 0 again. The issue is a few days back and sadly I do not have any logs to present.
  6. I never had Train Announcements in my Game. (Purchased Today). Are they station announcements or announcements within the train? I also had an error regarding Train Announcements, I am not sure if it relies to that [2023-01-16 03:02:58]: [Dissonance:Recording] (02:02:58.459) CapturePipelineManager: Detected a frame skip, forcing capture pipeline reset (Delta Time:0.1917996) [2023-01-16 03:02:58]: [Dissonance:Recording] (02:02:58.639) BasicMicrophoneCapture: Began mic capture (SampleRate:48000Hz, FrameSize:960, Buffer Limit:2^13, Latency:20ms, Device:'Kopfhörermikrofon (2- CORSAIR VOID ELITE Wireless Gaming Headset)') [2023-01-16 03:03:14]: Can't create spawn point because other one is to close [2023-01-16 03:03:20]: Can't create spawn point because other one is to close [2023-01-16 03:03:24]: InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[T].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at TrainAnnouncement.AnnouncementController.Awake () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
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