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Everything posted by Ricqs

  1. Whoever says whatever, this is currently a dispatcher "simulator" and not a railroad. At least when it comes to multiplayer mode. That's why the things that are so familiar on the railways are missing. Currently, everything is subordinate to the dispatcher mode. That's why AI is running 24/7 and why you can teleport onto a moving train. That way, there's always someone you can control on a railway line.
  2. It is clear that fixing the current problems is the priority. I didn't write that this should be included in the multiplayer section immediately. We're just talking about how the multiplayer mode would be more varied.
  3. What is this? Mobile game or simulator?:D This is not how trains work for any railway company. Even WOS 1,2,3,4, TramSim, Diesel Railcar Simulator, TSC and TSW have such a services (cold start etc.). False?:D So far approx. I have 30 hours in the game. I became level 35 in two and a half days . I've seen quite a few things. After I completed the last tutorial, he wrote: achievement: 0.1% of them have it.:D I don't want anything. Just an advice and comment.
  4. I'm thinking of a solution like the one in single-player mode (scenario,tutorial). It's basically in the game. Later, then the train depot etc. The current solution, that you suddenly take over the train somewhere, is nonsense. People don't even know where they are, what kind of signal it was, what they should react to suddenly, etc. Even a train driver would need a second or two to think about what is happening now. Thus, the entire section cannot be learned properly. In addition to the current solution, we definitely need a normal one.
  5. The idea is good, but I think it is more difficult to implement than starting from the siding. This is also why I hate teleporting onto a train.. https://steamcommunity.com/app/1422130/discussions/0/6722219408344659427/ Then, when the error is corrected, if the player does not react in time, problems arise. It is not normal to occupy a moving train. In principle, there are trains that leave from the starting station, but I don't know which they are yet. I met one, but I don't know which one it was.
  6. There's no need to overcomplicate. A train from a siding will absolutely do. If they are planning a train depot, then they can start from there. If the player quits, the AI takes over (like now). The old services would remain, only new ones would be added. Everyone would choose what they want.
  7. Good idea. Casual and beginner players are currently given everything (MP). HUD, a train that starts by itself :D, shorter sections etc. The driving experience is too good to be a casual game.
  8. Maybe you like flying, but it's ridiculous in a simulator. Especially since getting on and off the train is done. The tutorial makes no sense that way. Because you don't have to use what you learned there. If anything happens while driving (MP), people will have no idea what to do. Hopefully, they will create a service for it that starts with a cold start. Then, everyone decides what to choose.
  9. The train does not need to start from the depot (For now). It would be enough if the train starts from a side track, after the cold start. It's very arcade that "teleporting" to the train.
  10. Especially when the train is moving.😄
  11. Then there was no point in me studying so much. Then it's not a simulator. At least one server could have been started this way. 😞 Ps:Unfortunately, I can no longer request a refund.
  12. Hi! Is it possible to cold start the train in multiplayer?
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