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Early Access Playtests


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  1. Thanks, but the server is located in North America. I have a ping of 500 there. Can you maybe change it to Europe?
  2. Thank you It would be really cool if later on, when a server is 95% full, another one would automatically start up for that language and time zone.
  3. Hello, unfortunately it is currently the case in Germany that there are far too few servers. DE1 doesn't work and DE4 is crap due to the different time zone. Then there are 2 servers left. They're actually always full. Even at 11 o'clock in the morning. There need more servers. Especially when there are more and more players. It's pretty much impossible at the moment to play the signal box you'd like to have. The game is unplayable! LG ~This text was translated using Google translator~
  4. Servus, leider ist es aktuell für Deutschland so, dass es viel zu wenig Server gibt. DE1 funktioniert nicht und DE4 ist Mist durch die andere Zeitzone. Dann bleiben noch 2 Server übrig. Die sind eigentlich immer voll. Sogar schon um 11 Uhr Morgens. Es *müssen* mehr Server her. Vor allem, wenn es immer mehr Spieler gibt. LG *Edit: Aktuell ist es ziemlich unmöglich, das Stellwerk zu spielen, welches man gerne hätte. So ist das Spiel unspielbar!
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