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SimRail Early Access


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  1. Ouhh, thank you for the explanation. And very good to know
  2. I found a bug in the power limit switch of the EU07. If you switch it to high, the current is limited and you don't get any more power beyond running step 28, but if you switch in on low, it does go further and you can accelerate properly. I hope it's not just me being stupid, then tell me please.
  3. Not completely true, but not wrong either. Some Signal boxes require you to do so, but most of them don't. Sadly these are usually the ones already occupied by other players. Had the same thoughts as you yesterday, but I was proven wrong.
  4. Simple reason is to get to learn the trains and their controls before joining other players. The different trains have their specialities you may want to know
  5. I think they'll fix this soon. As a quick workaround, just restart the game and then it works 😉
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