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SimRail Early Access


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  1. So I was driving the 300KM route from Katowice and Warszawa, when I drove by the Stadium Narodowy, there is a kart track next to the stadium, it actually had a kart driving on it. Well done!
  2. Hi, I believe the swaying of the train from left to right on long straights in the ED250 seems off to me, it doesn't feel natural. As I haven't been in a real one I'm unsure if it's normal or not. Also the lighting in Warszawa Centralna is off.
  3. Hi great Simrail team, I already love this sim, but I would love to see the single player additions below. - AI trains on routes - Random events, like delays emergencies, track diversion - Dynamic weather, snow, fog, rain, thunderstorms and ofcourse sunshine - On top of the longer routes also shorter scenarios - A save option - Being a dispatcher in single player - A new roadmap to see what's planned what's not (yet) planned. - More routes and trains 😁
  4. Maybe in the future? Thanks for the clarification, the interior looked so familiar
  5. Found a great video on the ET22, bbe it that's in Polish, but still a great video
  6. Hi team, Great work so far! 👍👏 Is every route random? As in: - Delays from other trains - Crossings with malfunctions - Emergencies
  7. Hi, Pdf manuals for signalling and signs and tutorials for every train would be appreciated 👍
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