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Everything posted by Spong

  1. The panel in Bedzin, Opoczno Poludnie, Lazy LC etc.
  2. Since the entire CMK is done and dusted and every signal box there can be humanly operated, the only stations that are still AI in the direction of Katowice - Warsaw is DG Zabkowice, Lazy LA & LB (as well as Pruszkow, Jozefinow and the Warsaw stations). So there's a big chance that these will be the up and coming dispatching boxes. As for Dandowka, it's a mechanical box IRL, and the devs are not ready for this yet, so unless we get it just like Sos. Polud. (temporary computer mode), we won't get it in the near future.
  3. It's obviously a joke and never meant to be taken seriously. where sheep?
  4. Yeah, no. OP, you're asking too much for a train driving game/sim. I'm gonna have to agree with the people who replied above me. First of all, there are some people that like to drive trains on their own, and would rather not have a second person going all over the train multitasking and doing useless crap that adds nothing of value to the game. Now you might argue that Passenger Mode might not add anything too. And you may be right, however people were asking for it, and it's a nice way for new players to learn the routes, take some good photos or have a nice chill session while they do something else IRL. Secondly, having roles for people like train inspectors, cafe workers, restaurant cooks, bar waiters, toilet cleaners, janitors, plumbers and God knows what else, takes up server load, which could otherwise be used for more helpful and useful actions like shunting and/or being a passenger roaming about. And last but not least, it's f***ing boring. Trust me, only a few people would actually enjoy these features. That is because when people think 'Oh, a train simulator!', they don't assume they'll be wiping baby poop off the floor on the first-class compartment of a Pendolino, or that they'll be playing ''Papers, Please'' (famous detective game) when checking who is legally allowed to stay in the train and who isn't. Maybe it's cool and exciting the first time you do it, but after a while noone would bother doing this for 3 hours straight, exactly because it won't be detrimental to anything. It's not like the driver depends on you to fix that broken sink in time to get the train moving. People had certain expectations for this game, and most of them have been met. Anything that goes too far, regarding what people can do in this game would fairly be considered a waste of resources by the developers. Most of us that have been here for quite some time would agree that we DO NOT need more roles in the game. It would make things needlessly far too complicated. Drive a train, dispatch trains around a station, shunt trains in a yard and be a passenger. The former two things we can already do, and the latter two will arrive in the future. That's it, that's all we pretty much need, train lovers are simple creatures. Personally, I like the up and coming Passenger Mode. I might not be using it much, but seeing that others will, it makes me happy seeing the community of this game getting something they want. But that's about it. Let's not create an irrelevant cooking, inspecting, or cleaning simulator inside another simulator, shall we?
  5. It's not the worst idea in the world. However it does not match what the game/simulator is trying to offer, which is realism (as much as possible, at least). Me yelling 'Muchas gracias afición esto es para vosotros, SIUUUUUU' every time I see you, will not be received well by someone who plays in a professional way. So it's a bit contradicting to the game's standards, but I don't mind if we do get a 2nd chat or not, sometimes a little banter doesn't hurt much.
  6. The southbound EC train from Warsaw to Katowice does NOT fit on the side platform at Sosnowiec Main. I was routed there once, and the last two carriages were platform-less. For context and comparison, EC trains coming from Warsaw are 11 wagons long (including the lead locomotive), while EC trains going to Warsaw are only 9 wagons long (including the lead locomotive). Thus, the former does not fit, but the latter does. I have no idea why this imbalance exists, but I'm not gonna complain, it's just a little detail dispatchers need to be aware of when altering the allocated platform of a train.
  7. Sorry to hear about your experience with the simulator so far. Keep in mind though, that the game is heavily favored towards the multiplayer aspect of it, it's a revolutionary feature for many of us, and it's mostly human interaction that keeps us interested in this game, through conversations between drivers or between drivers and dispatchers. It was marketed as a mainly multiplayer game since the playtests, and most of us knew it. However, that doesn't mean the singleplayer aspect will stay untouched. If you visit the 'Announcements' page of this forum, you can click on the DevLog that was posted on March 9th, and find out that there are some changes and additions planned for singleplayer. It will take some time, but the devs will improve it, as THEY see fit, not you. If you still aren't interested, I'm sure there are tons of train games out there that provide a good singleplayer experience. Nobody forced you to like this game, each person has their own preferences when it comes to game features. I am not responding on behalf of the devs or anyone else, this is just a counter argument on my part, through which I try to explain that the game is inclined towards the multiplayer version.
  8. I say let the people decide. A free roam camera has its pros and cons, as does everything else. However, if many people desire it and the devs are on board with this idea, then it will be added. People wanted E186 Traxx IC's. These locomotives do not normally run passenger services in Poland, this is mainly done by the EU07. Some people would label that feature as 'unrealistic' and 'not immersive'. However, they're still gettind added in the near future. Why? Because players wanted them. You're always bound to get disappointed if you treat everything like it resembles real life. Even Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, one of the most realistic games out there, if not THE most realistic, still has a bird's eye view, a 3rd person camera and a passenger seat camera, just to name a few. Yet I haven't seen anyone complain about the immersion that the game offers, everyone says it's immaculate, even if it has features that cannot be reproduced IRL. It's the same here in SimRail. Yes it's one of the most realistic train simulators/games (call it however you want, I couldn't care less), but at some point it WILL have features that resemble more of a game than a full-scale simulator. Being teleported into the cab in the middle of nowhere when selecting a train is far more unrealistic than having a free roam camera, in my opinion, and we've had that since the playtests. But we go on with it, because at the end of the day, it's still a virtual creation, nothing can ever truly feel like real life. And if you don't like the damn free roam camera, just don't click the corresponding button. Better yet, unbind it so you never click it by mistake, even.
  9. That would be the case, but in my opinion, the devs might add some new trains going to Sosnowiec Maczki or Jaworzno Szczakowa (southbound route towards Kraków and Mysłowice), in order to make the station more interesting. Otherwise, if no new trains are added, you'll just be sending already existing trains west towards Juliusz (and in turn towards Sosnowiec Południowy or Tychy) and north towards either Dąbrowa Górnicza Wschodnia or Dąbrowa Górnicza Ząbkowice. The reason I'm suggesting there might be new trains going through the station is because according to @Aero1995's screenshot of the photo that @uetam posted on Discord (look further up in this thread and you'll find it), all lines seem to be operable. What I mean is that there are not any red lights on the lines that continue to those new destinations (Maczki and Jaworzno) that would prevent the routing of trains to and from there. As a result, I speculate that the Dorota dispatching box will be added along with the new timetable or, at the very least, along with a few new trains to make the station less repetitive, just like those PXE and TME trains that got implemented with the addition of the Idzikowice dispatching box. I'm just glad Dąbrowa Górnicza Wschodnia will get a friend. 🙂
  10. Passenger interaction had been disabled for some time until the latest update. When the update arrived, passengers were indeed boarding and disembarking trains. However, as of today, no passengers were boarding my trains, so that made me wonder what happened to them.
  11. I just drove a KM1 service from Warsaw to Grodzisk Mazowiecki and not one passenger boarded the train. Did the feature get removed temporarily again?
  12. If my memory serves me right, there were some image disclosures some time ago on Discord by a dev, regarding the layout of Dąbrowa Górnicza Ząbkowice. While nothing is confirmed for the next patch, my speculation is that we're getting DGZ as the next dispatch station.
  13. I also hope we get a lot of passengers in big stations like Katowice, Sosnowiec, Zawiercie and the Warsaw triple wombo combo (West, Central, East). It will definitely make the game feel more realistic, seeing 100 people board the train in Zawiercie, or everyone disembarking at Warsaw East after a 3-hour run.
  14. I believe passenger interaction with trains is currently disabled, I am not sure when it will be back, however as of right now, I'm pretty certain that passengers cannot board any train whatsoever.
  15. Awesome station and quite complex as well, especially if the timetable gets tighter after the rework. It needs a friend though, sooner or later 😞
  16. This topic can get out of hand very easily, so I'll try to explain some stuff once and for all. Our profile pics (for the most part) are linked to Steam, so if Steam is okay with them, then I doubt anyone will change them because of a single game. If the picture is too offensive (objectively speaking), the moderators, or even the developers, might intervene. But then again Steam itself would be the first to quickly remove the photo. For example, my naked Spongebob profile pic has not received any negative reviews so far, but if anyone is offended by it, I do apologize but that doesn't mean I'll change it, to satisfy a single person. Unless you're a mod/dev. 😳 P.S. Don't try to extend this topic too much, unless you have something important to say. If it does get out of hand, it will most likely be locked, and for good reason.
  17. Some trains are indeed not driveable, it was said that they were temporarily deleted due to problems with the spawn points, but they will make a comeback when Idzikowice is added as a signal box, hopefully in a few days from now.
  18. It'll get more challenging soon, the timetable is getting reworked and the CMK Line (Zawiercie-Grodzisk Mazowiecki) will get a lot more traffic, so dispatchers in the northern boxes will have more trains to take care of.
  19. I also fully agree with the post's statement. It would be so nice to finally have a simulator that connects routes to existing ones as it expands, instead of having one route in Poland and another random route in another country. If SimRail does have this philosophy, I'm almost certain that, with the right communication between players and developers, the game will become a massive success. 500 kilometers of drivable routes in Early Access is more than enough than a lot of us expected, and I'm positive that we all love the different trains we can drive and all the stations we can visit. Ultimately, the developers decide what is best for the game and what they can do for it to become more enjoyable for everyone. All in all, the only thing we can do is hope.
  20. When I first saw it, I immediately knew it meant I was gonna operate a Dragon, but I googled it anyway, out of curiosity. Turns out it's actually a different locomotive also operated by (you guessed it) PKP. So I don't know if it was intentional or not, but we can only hope! 😄
  21. In my opinion, it'll either be DG Ząbkowice, Sosnowiec Południowy or Kazimierz, as the AI usually messes things up in those stations quite often and delays a lot of trains, resulting in deadlocks that last hours. So, a human operating them would definitely eliminate the unnecessary AI decisions that eventually block the entire line. Don't get me wrong, any new dispatching box would be welcome!
  22. I think that the only permanent solution to this problem is for the developers to enable Sosnowiec Poludniowy to be human-operated as soon as possible, to erase any problems the AI can cause. Other people in-game have also expressed their support about this idea, and I want to believe that it will be implemented in the near future.
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