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Everything posted by StolleJay

  1. In my opinion we should have a "vote for kick" system where someone can start a vote for kicking a troll user. Everyone on the server can then vote. And if as ex. 60% are for kicking the troll then he should be kicked for the next 24h. If this user then has in a specific time multiple reports for trolling or other not humanity things then he should get banned for lifetime or at least for minimum 1 month from the multiplayer mode. I dont see currently any other chance to get rid of those senseless trolls. Its not fun at the moment! Today from our Discord server: A user reported a dispatcher that was trolling and only sent trains with backup signals, and each train could only travel at 20 km/h. After a few chat messages about, among other things, that he should please announce the trains, he replied that he was too lazy to do so, that he did what he wanted, and that he didn't care about anything. Later, he blocked everything so that no one could send him more trains.
  2. Simply right click on it. Then "Manage" > "Remove from Account". Thats it! Be aware that this only works with free games and not with games you paid for!
  3. It would be cool to have a file in as ex. the documents folder where you can add streaming url from your favortie radio stations and then can select them in the game on the radio or something else.
  4. For this i think its also possible to add a "barrier" so the code behind it will count how much in which time the "im not afk" button is clicked. If its clicked to much in a short time then the code can indentify the "player" as bot/afk which will be kicked. Just an idea.
  5. Such a button would be nice indeed. But not with 5 minutes. More like 10 or 15 minutes are better. Sometimes you have to go to the toilet which also can take 10 minutes 😜
  6. Die Übersetzung ist aber auch Falsch. Es sollte eigentlich "Lok Depot" heißen. Entweder wie schon gesagt wird es eine Art "Lokvista" ähnlich Forza oder was ich mir auch drunter vorstellen könnte ist das man dort seine "gekauften" Züge drin stehen hat wie bei einer Garage und dort evtl. Wartungsarbeiten oder auch eigene Lackierungen entwerfen kann. Mag zwar jetzt etwas sehr hochgegriffen scheinen aber Möglich wäre es.
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