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Posts posted by b__g

  1. Drodzy zawiedzeni,

    jako jeden z graczy odpowiem Wam jedno:

    Ad 1. Brak komunikacji

    To fakt. To problem, z którym twórcy SimRail się borykają i który jest podnoszony zasadniczo codziennie.
    Czy coś to zmieni? Raczej nie. Dlaczego? Wystarczy spojrzeć na historię firmy SimKol. Czym się zasadniczo producent naszej gry zajmuje? Kto jest głównym klientem tej firmy? 
    Gdzie jesteśmy my (jako gracze) w tym wszystkim [i jaki udział w zyskach przynosimy]? 😉

    To pytania retoryczne, które zostawię każdemu z osobna do rozpatrzenia.

    Czy coś zmieni? Z jednej strony - mam nadzieję, z drugiej - wątpie. Dlaczego? Patrz wyżej. 🙂

    I serio. Sprawdźcie kto produkuje tę grę i dlaczego rady pt. "napiszcie co robiliście w zeszłym tygodniu" nie wypali. 


    Pozdrawiam wszystkich urażonych, którzy po 200 godzinach rozgrywki wystawili negatywa na Steamie w grze za 150 zł, bo nagle się obrazili, bo coś poszło po nie ich myśli. 😉

    • I disagree 2
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  2. 1 godzinę temu, Inspiredzebra42 napisał(a):

    Chciałem skorzystać z programu używając "Game Porting Toolkit beta 4" na Macu (działa na bazie Wine'a), lecz niestety program crash'uje przy uruchomieniu. Czy można wiedzieć co jest wymagane do jego uruchomienia? np. .NET itp? 

    .NET472, natomiast aplikacja potrzebuje dostępu do rejestru, w którym szuka wpisów Steama odnośnie lokalizacji gry - nie wiem czy to da się przeskoczyć na emulatorze. W razie potrzeby podeślij logi crasha na PW, zobaczymy z czym jest problem 😉

  3. 9 godzin temu, TheFloxiCz napisał(a):

    Thanks for a great software, really useful. 

    I'm wondering if you are planning something for creating scenarios? 

    Well, yes - I am 🙂 However it is a little bit (* A LOT xD) more demanding than the whole simrail.me project and this scenario manager project combined together. 

    • Like 1
  4. 7 minut temu, goba napisał(a):

    Hi there and thank you! Have them all, but sadly it isn't that dark haha.

    Wish there was something around 9pm-12am.


    Get any available scenario, find ScenarioManifest.xml and change time that scenario is starting.


    The timetable of each scenario has relative times, which means it'll automagically adapt to new time. 😉

    • Like 2
  5. image.png.3d3e99527d439c816a19d181129fa422.png


    In anticipation of the update, I'd like to introduce you to my latest app, which I hope will make our lives a little bit easier. 🙂

    Main feature of this app allows you to install custom (community made) scenarios without need to manually touch any game files.


    However, there is a catch: not every scenario from forum will work, unfortunately. Therefore, an appeal to scenario creators: please upload your scenarios as simple, basic ZIP archive containing only one scenario in single archive. This app doesn't handle/support archives with multiple scenarios.
    App has requirement, that you have to install SimRail via Steam. Otherwise it may not work. If you have installed SimRail in default location (C:\Program Files\Steam\.......) you may need to run this app with administrator privileges (applications cannot make any changes to C:\Program Files without admin privileges).
    After receiving feedback from the community and the  scenario creators I'm planning adding additional features to this app (including: direct downloading scenarios from app without need to visit forums - as long as the author gives his consent).


    This is first release of this app - if you find unhandled exceptions or strange behaviour I'd love to ask you to contact me directly via forums private message with a screenshot 🙂 or directly on Discord: (b__g)
    And for dotPeek fans - application is not encrypted, you may take a look inside! 😉



    Changelog ver. (13.08.2023 19:45):
    - new tab: download scenarios; now you can download community scenarios with only couple of clicks from one place! (Thanks to the scenario creators for letting me do that!)
    - fixed known bugs
    Changelog ver. (13.08.2023 04:30):
    - changed apperance a little bit,
    - added possibility to check if never version is available (settings tab)
    - improved error handling
    - moved heavy tasks to seperate thread to avoid blocking UI thread





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  6. 21 minut temu, Blendzior napisał(a):

    and the values for weights and lengths are already there, but they're partly invalid

    they're put by hand when timetable is created, so its not valid at the moment.

    22 minuty temu, Blendzior napisał(a):

    I actually thought of going that way, using the "trains-open" API and mixing that with the timetable API data, but I haven't decided yet if that's a good approach -- the data presented might be either better or worse -- there's no guarantee that the data both APIs serve matches -- so the decision what's right and what isn't would be on me. That would also require what exactly you did: hard-coding cars lengths (easy, one time job), and weights (much more error prone), which itself conflicts with my no-maintenance goal, just like you pointed out.

    Honestly, at the current state of API's mind (or its authors xD) is to map those two API's. To make it somewhat accurate you'll need to static map vehicles weights and lengths and simply sum it together. From trains-open endpoint you may take cargos weight, for example:


    in this case each cart has 60 tons of cargo (excluding cart itself).

  7. 5 godzin temu, misiekczołgista napisał(a):

    To nie jest rozkład dla danej stacji. Musisz znaleźć na mapie skład jaki Cię interesuje, odczytać rozkład i zanotować na karteczce. I co? Dla każdego składu powtórzyć czynność? I to dla pociągów o godz 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24:) 

    To nie jest rozwiązanie.  Sugerowałem we wpisie powyżej inne rozwiązanie. Nie wierzę że twórcy gry nie mają takich plików i nie mogą wrzuć na forum do pobrania. 

    Czekaj, to oswiec mnie co to jest skoro nie "rozklad dla danej stacji"?


    Przyjrzyj sie dokladnie na screen ktory wrzucilem 🙂

    • I agree 1
  8. 2 godziny temu, Ir.Ba. napisał(a):

    A nie prawda, ja mam w steamie zmieniony a na mapie całkiem inny i też nie mogę nic zrobić żeby mieć na mapie taki jak na steamie.🤔

    Zalezy od mapy. Niektore cache'uja profile steam i odswiezaja sie one z duzym opoznieniem.

  9. 16 godzin temu, sf_giants15 napisał(a):

    ET25: Didnt found it out by accident but someone told me in the Forum. The "Hamowanie ED" button shuts off the electric brake which is very usefull for neutral section when you need to brake

    You may give power to the network while in neutral section, you just must not take power from the line then.
    Its mainly used abroad (in Czech for example) because "no one knows who should pay for this returned power" 😉

    • Like 4
  10. Godzinę temu, Aseru napisał(a):

    I have suggestions. Add the ability to set the volume of station announcements

    Should be added soon,

    12 minut temu, Gazz292 napisał(a):

    Are you able to show the server time with seconds? 

    Often the server time is 5 or more seconds behind real time, but also it's handy to glance over and see that departure time is in say.. 28 seconds. rather than just having minutes showing and wondering if it's about to change to the next minute, or has just changed and you have another 58 seconds to wait till departure time. 

    Sorry, but Id rather not. Time u see on a map is not synced often enough to show seconds. There may be like few seconds offset as I have to cache it on my side. 

    Maybe, there will be one day, where the API would be more developer friendly and I and others will be able to sync data using single request per minute rather than request per server online as its nowadays.

  11. Hi!

    Coming back to you with latest updates on the map!

    1. You may now use Regular Expressions in the search box. Let's say you want to list all cargo trains? No problem!
    Just use 


    in the search box! As you can see if you want to use regexp, you need to use "regexp:" prefix before regexp pattern.


    2. As requested by @Knalltüte when you'll open trains timetable it will automatically jump to the nearest station.

    3. I rebuilded train details, so we can now see more details (and I think it looks awesome!)


    4. Did you noticed this little speaker button? Clicking on it, it will change it appearance and.... you'll hear all station announcements! 
    However, there is the catch: 
    - it will not work for every train (Pendolino's or cargo)
    - announcements are in polish (on purpose as train are currently driving in Poland). When we'll get another countries in the game I'll introduce announcement languages depending on which country train is moving in 🙂


    Please find short video of how it sounds when you're playing 😉


    5. As requested by our wonderful Czech Community I've enabled option to modify settings by non-logged users:


    6. Just as in the case of train timetables I modified the way of rendering station timetable, so after opening one in will show you a few trains (closest to the current time on the server), but you still may load earlier or later ones. 🙂



    An addition for the curious:


    In the last week we have served our map for over 1000 players (according to Cloudflare).

    Thank you very much for your commitment, all your comments and kind words! Thanks to you, I find the strength and desire to add and improve things almost every day.


    And as before, if you have any comments or suggestions, please let me know in the comments below!

    Have a great weekend and see you in game!

    • Like 3
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  12. W dniu 1.05.2023 o 21:36, Gazz292 napisał(a):

    only thing that puts me off using this map is it's stuck in dark mode,   and during the day i like to see the map with all the greenery showing, as i can see the maps details better... like where there is a forest and where it's a field, a lake / river etc. 


    Please take a look at the cog button (it is available for logged in users) - you will be able to switch to light mode 🙂




    W dniu 2.05.2023 o 20:46, Knalltüte napisał(a):

    Nice work, though it would be cool if the website automatically scrolls down to the current time on the server when you click on station and automatically jumps to the station the train is currently at.

    I'll add this in near future 🙂


  13. 3 godziny temu, Gazz292 napisał(a):

    only thing that puts me off using this map is it's stuck in dark mode,   and during the day i like to see the map with all the greenery showing, as i can see the maps details better... like where there is a forest and where it's a field, a lake / river etc. 

    Soon it will be possible to switch between day and night mode, while I plan to introduce custom map tiles for better readability anyway

    • Like 1
  14. Cześć!

    Dzielę się moim ostatnim projektem nad którym pracowałem przez kilka ostatnich tygodni - kolejna odsłona SimRailowej mapy online:




    Nie licząc "standardowych" rzeczy typu lokalizacja danego składu wraz z informacją o jego lokalizacji oraz czy jest prowadzony przez innego gracza czy bota macie dostępny również rozkład jazdy dla każdego pociągu znajdującego się na mapie oraz informację o jego przybliżonej lokalizacji i godzinie o której powinien tam być 😉

    W górnym prawym rogu znajdziecie wyszukiwarkę, w której możecie odfiltrować składy po numerze pociągu, typie lokomotywy czy też po nicku gracza, który dany skład prowadzi:


    Na dniach opublikuję również rysowanie trasy każdego pociągu na mapie wraz z zaznaczonymi informacjami o zwolnieniach z WOS:


    Tam gdzie jest to możliwe, na środku ekranu w górze znajdziecie aktualną* datę i godzinę, która aktualnie znajduje się na danym serwerze.

    Zaimplementowałem już większość rzeczy, które planowałem, więc chętnie przyjmę uwagi co można by było zmienić / dodać!


    ps. Można też klikać w te niebieskie ikonki, które reprezentują poszczególne stacje - wyświetli się Wam rozkład jazdy dla tej stacji! 🙂






    I'm sharing my latest project I've been working on for the past few weeks - another version of the SimRail online map:





    In addition to the "standard" things like the location of a given train, along with information about its location and whether it's being driven by another player or a bot, you also have available a timetable for each train on the map, as well as information about its approximate location and what time it should be there 😉.

    In the upper right corner you will find a search button, where you can filter the trainsets by train number, locomotive type or by the nickname of the player who is driving the train:



    In the days to come, I will also publish a drawing of the route of each train on a map, along with marked information on WOS (Wykaz Ostrzeżeń Stałych /  List of Permanent Warnings) exemptions:


    Where possible, in the middle of the screen at the top you will find the current* date and time that is currently on the server.
    I've already implemented most of the things I planned, so I'd welcome comments on what could be changed / added!

    ps. You can also click on those blue icons that represent each station - it will show you the schedule for that station! 🙂


    Take care!



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  15. Po dzisiejszej aktualizacji wykonując służbę na elfie (choć pewnie dot. to innych taborów pasażerskich), gdy zatrzymamy się i któryś z pasażerów próbuje wysiąść gra nas wyrzuca z powodu literówki w nazwie metody. 😉

    Gdy mamy fart i żaden pax nie chce wysiąść - pojedziemy dalej.

    Wycinek z logu z wyjątkiem odpowiedzialnym za problem:

    [2023-01-29 02:41:03]: Disconnecting connId=0 to prevent exploits from an Exception in MessageHandler: NullReferenceException Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
      at DirectedAgent.MovmentProperties (UnityEngine.Vector3 target, System.String setAnim, System.String[] resetAnim, PassengerActivity action) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
      at DirectedAgent.MoveToLocationInternal (UnityEngine.Vector3 targetPoint, PassengerActivity passengerActiv, System.Boolean setValues, DoorDescriptor _doorsToFollow, SeatDecriptor seatDecriptor) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
      at DirectedAgent.AllowPassengerToLeaveTrain (DoorDescriptor _doorToFollow, UnityEngine.Vector3[] spawnPoints, MovePeopleAtPlatform targetPlatform) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
      at PeopleLeaveTrain.SelectPeopleToLeaveTrain (System.Int32 numberPeopleLeavingFromGivenPart, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] peopleInGivenPart, SingleNavLink doorToFollow, MovePeopleAtPlatform movePeopleAtPlatform) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
      at PeopleLeaveTrain.agentLeaveTrain (MovePeopleAtPlatform movePeopleAtPlatform, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] doors, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] peopleLeaveTrains) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
      at MovePeopleAtPlatform.RpcPeopleDisembark (NavMeshLinkController train, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] peopleLeavingTrain) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
      at PeopleTrainSync.UserCode_RpcPeopleDisembark__String__List`1 (System.String platformGuid, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] peopleCountInfo) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
      at Mirror.NetworkIdentity.HandleRemoteCall (System.Int32 componentIndex, System.Int32 functionHash, Mirror.RemoteCalls.RemoteCallType remoteCallType, Mirror.NetworkReader reader, Mirror.NetworkConnectionToClient senderConnection) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
      at Mirror.NetworkClient.OnRPCMessage (Mirror.RpcMessage message) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
      at System.Action`1[T].Invoke (T obj) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
      at Mirror.NetworkClient+<>c__DisplayClass47_0`1[T].<RegisterHandler>g__HandlerWrapped|0 (Mirror.NetworkConnection _, T value) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
      at System.Action`2[T1,T2].Invoke (T1 arg1, T2 arg2) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
      at Mirror.MessagePacking+<>c__DisplayClass7_0`2[T,C].<WrapHandler>g__Wrapped|0 (C conn, T msg, System.Int32 _) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
      at System.Action`3[T1,T2,T3].Invoke (T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
      at Mirror.MessagePacking+<>c__DisplayClass6_0`2[T,C].<WrapHandler>b__0 (Mirror.NetworkConnection conn, Mirror.NetworkReader reader, System.Int32 channelId) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
      at Mirror.NetworkClient.UnpackAndInvoke (Mirror.NetworkReader reader, System.Int32 channelId) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
      at Mirror.NetworkClient.OnTransportData (System.ArraySegment`1[T] data, System.Int32 channelId) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
      at kcp2k.KcpTransport.<Awake>b__22_2 (System.ArraySegment`1[T] message, kcp2k.KcpChannel channel) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
      at kcp2k.KcpClient.<Connect>b__7_1 (System.ArraySegment`1[T] message, kcp2k.KcpChannel channel) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
      at kcp2k.KcpConnection.TickIncoming_Authenticated (System.UInt32 time) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
      at kcp2k.KcpConnection.TickIncoming () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
      at Mirror.NetworkLoop.NetworkEarlyUpdate () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
    [2023-01-29 02:41:03]: Client disconnected without intent! Going back to main menu!
    [2023-01-29 02:41:03]: No DissonancePlayerSync.Instance present.
    [2023-01-29 02:41:03]: The Font Atlas Texture of the Font Asset LiberationSans SDF assigned to Location_text is missing.
    [2023-01-29 02:41:03]: Command Function System.Void PlayerBody::CmdChangeCamera(CameraSwitcher/CameraView) called without an active client.
    [2023-01-29 02:41:03]: [Dissonance:Network] (01:41:03.691) MirrorIgnoranceClient: Disconnected
    [2023-01-29 02:41:09]: Transport(<color=green>WebSocket</color>) event: <color=green>ClosedWithError</color>
    [2023-01-29 02:41:09]: Setting up 12 worker threads for Enlighten.
    [2023-01-29 02:41:09]: Exception while disposing Monitor!
    [2023-01-29 02:41:09]: Exception while destroying NetworkPoller!
    [2023-01-29 02:41:09]: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
      at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.ProbeCameraCache`1[K].Clear () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
      at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDRenderPipeline.Dispose (System.Boolean disposing) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
      at UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineManager.CleanupRenderPipeline () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 


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