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SimRail Playtests Early Access


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  1. Thank you so much. Good job As for the name of the cheat sheet why not reminder sheet?
  2. I'm sorry that this was misunderstood and no I don't play other train simulators because I drive them in real life. what I described as incidents are real things that happen, that's all.
  3. Hello, could we have different colors on the dispatcher screens (the little red squares with yellow characters) because some colors are difficult to see. a definite choice of colors can do the trick. I'm not colorblind but there might be some among us. Are there any keyboard shortcut keys to go directly from the dispatcher screen to the schedules screen or vice versa.
  4. Hello would it be possible to add some manageable incidents for the dispatcher. Let me explain for example - Areas that turn red when there are no trains. * Solution The dispatcher would have the possibility of sending people to solve the problem which would last a certain time after the zone would become accessible again. (By a key on the telephone terminal for example) - Scheduled work schedules and situation according to the position. (On the schedule sheet in red to see it clearly start time end time type of work. if necessary. *Solution/actions to be taken if the dispatcher should put the protections in place to avoid accidents. Constraint of loss of xp points if the work is not triggered). In general, the work is done at night and more often during the week end. - A derailed AI train. (In depots this happens, fortunately much less online) * Triggering of the penalty to put the train back on track, blocking of the track during this time. (not too long either...) For drivers driving occupies a lot of their attention but in the long run they think they will get tired why not add "small incidents" while driving... - Reduced motor power due to loss of a traction motor. (consequence of difficulties in increasing speed) * If the problem gets worse, the driver makes a request to the dispatcher to change trains at a station. - windshield sale Supplement by a multidude of crushed insect above. * Reduced visibility. - Windshield broken by a bird or other object thrown from a bridge... * Reduced visibility. Request for change of machine to the dispatcher to change trains at the station. I am aware that these are binding things to see very binding but would add a touch of realism. It's up to you to see the frequency of these incidents adjustable by an interface (realism) or according to the level of the player. These are just wishes to provide realism to the game. I want to thank you for the great job you did keep it up!
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