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SimRail Playtests Early Access


9 Neutral
  1. the tracks keep flashing and they wont release en1 - 01.02 11:59 utc
  2. No train route available, tried everything
  3. A train passed before I saw this. EN1 18:10
  4. EN1 - 12:50 This train has to go to Dorota, but can't.
  5. It's only called that in the EU07. On other locos/units it's called sander.
  6. There is no stopping point in the timetable at Chruszczobród. This also happened in Zawierce GT but that bug is already reported.
  7. I think a sanding shortcut/keybind is necesary. Also the ET25 is strugling without sanding at a low speed.
  8. As I was playing I noticed that when i passed a signal with the ET25, the upcoming signal still showed that I didn't pass it. It became a problem once I coudln't pass a signal because the train was so slow, the signal got knocked to red before the game thought i passed it, so I couldn't pass a clear signal from a standstill. (picture attached) I had to back up, and gain momentum to pass it. PLEASE FIX THIS, it is really anoying and game-breaking. Also I noticed that I got minus points for not stopping at stations that I was not supposed to stop at anyway. Log file attached. SimRail_log_2023-01-15_18-28-37.txt
  9. What is the website's name where you looked at the train? (not panel.simrail.eu)
  10. Another instance:
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