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SimRail Playtests Early Access


3 Neutral
  1. I'm currently playing through the first ED250 scenario, and twice now I've been going 200km/h through green signals, only to be suddenly met with a red signal that I can't stop for. I know it's possible for this to happen in multiplayer with an inexperienced dispatcher, but it shouldn't be happening in a singleplayer scenario. Luckily, it's not like other train sims where you immediately fail the scenario if you pass a red, but it's still annoying.
  2. That is what I assumed the scenario duration was, but in the instance where I only got to drive for ~2 minutes, it ended with 'scenario completed', meaning there's likely some issues with the calculation of the remaining duration. As for timezones, my problem is that the time at the top of the main menu and the server dispatch times are using different timezones (since I am in CET and there are no servers based within that timezone). That being said, if the scenario duration shows how long is left, the departure time is almost irrelevant.
  3. I don't know why, but I just cannot wrap my head around what the numbers mean. These are the main things I'm confused about: Is the 'scenario duration' the total duration, or how much time is left? What departure does the 'departure time' refer to? The start of the scenario? Why is the departure time not converted to your own timezone? The last one is more a point for the devs, but if anyone can answer one or both of the others, it'd be very helpful. Currently I have to blindly take control of a train and hope the scenario doesn't just end within 2 minutes (which has happened before, despite the scenario duration not being that short).
  4. Hi, I suffer from very bad eyesight, so it would be nice if there was a slider/setting to change the size of the UI elements (either as a whole or individually) so they can be read more easily.
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