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SimRail Playtests Early Access


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  1. Same at Dąbrowa Górnicza station too. Log attached to help investigations. SimRail_log_2023-01-22_17-35-41.txt
  2. These topic should be merged with these two ones : In Short, Multiplayer can be completed with coop and passenger mode. Passenger mode is perhaps the quickest to implement but would probably not be used so much. On the other hand, coop mode like one driver and one train manager handling passengers and verifying tickets would be nice but than it is quite a new game to implement and this might be time consuming for the devs.
  3. Wow ! This is a very useful mod for Dispatchers quality of life 🥰💯
  4. Hi, I write down one idea submitted by @TTV Bioxyde37 about the dispatchers. How about the separate two kind of gained experience. The player should have driver experience and dispatcher experience. As a Dispatcher, you will for example gain XP by : - Using accordingly communications - Setting up good routes - Prioritize Pendolino over Freight - Completing EDR This will have better reward than just wait for hours in game to have access to better dispatchers station.
  5. Salut et bienvenue dans la commu SimRail. Alors les suggestions doivent se faire en anglais ici : https://forum.simrail.eu/forum/91-suggestions-for-improvements-singleplayer/ Et les déclarations de bugs pour le solo ici (en anglais aussi) : https://forum.simrail.eu/forum/90-bug-reporting-singleplayer/ Il reste également le discord de la commu Francophone si tu veux venir à la pêche aux infos et tutos et avoir une bonne ambiance en multi : https://discord.gg/d65Q8gWM5W
  6. Exactly Goppel, Key bindings to enable/disable cruise control and some key bindings for pre selected speeds
  7. Hi, Located at Katowice Zawodzie station. When we ask Katowice [AI] for route clearance about train number 24125 from Sosnwiec pzs R52, AI answer not knowing the train. Hopefully it still accept it when sending the train. Here attached screen capture and log (which is HUUUGE this time - 100 Mb, be advised) SimRail_log_2023-01-17_13-57-33.txt
  8. Hi, Just to report that the *boom* and an „Oww“ sound still occurs in EA like in PT See this topic for reference : Here included the log for investigation purposes SimRail_log_2023-01-17_13-13-57.txt
  9. Hi, You can use this alternative custom EDR (https://edr.simrail.fr/) which bring you lots of improvements like : -Dark mode -Dynamically adjusted timetable -Train type, current speed, maximum speed, ETA to your station
  10. Here attached another log to help the investigation about Announcements [2023-01-16 22:50:31]: Failed when parsing nameOfStation on element wsk_W4_wysoki@8452,27864,9 [2023-01-16 22:50:31]: Failed when parsing nameOfStation on element wsk_W4_wysoki@8452,27864,9 [2023-01-16 22:50:31]: InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[T].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at TrainAnnouncement.AnnouncementController.Awake () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 [2023-01-16 22:50:32]: Failed when parsing nameOfStation on element wsk_W4_wysoki@8452,27864,9 [2023-01-16 22:50:32]: Failed when parsing nameOfStation on element wsk_W4_wysoki@8452,27864,9 [2023-01-16 22:50:32]: Failed when parsing nameOfStation on element wsk_W4_wysoki@8452,27864,9 [2023-01-16 22:50:32]: Failed when parsing nameOfStation on element wsk_W4_wysoki@8452,27864,9 [2023-01-16 22:50:33]: Failed when parsing nameOfStation on element wsk_W4_wysoki@8452,27864,9 [2023-01-16 22:50:33]: Failed when parsing nameOfStation on element wsk_W4_wysoki@8452,27864,9 [2023-01-16 22:50:33]: Failed when parsing nameOfStation on element wsk_W4_wysoki@8452,27864,9 SimRail_log_2023-01-16_21-36-06.txt
  11. Alors tu as la communauté Francophone de SimRail oui -> https://www.simrail.fr/ Tu y trouveras la carte interactive et l'accès au discord en bas à droite.
  12. Thank you for reporting your log @Tin I have the same issue. Normally announcements are only station one for now. You can possibly hear them if you open your cab window when arriving or leaving a station. For now it seems that a significant portion of players can't hear announcements at all, probably due to the same issue as yours or mine.
  13. Is this issue still open ?
  14. Yes that is a fair point to hear polish announcements to increase immersion. By the way I can't hear any announcements at all in the current game state so maybe better start debugging this first step.
  15. I agree to this feature that would be nice. A nice mix between coop and passenger 🙂
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