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Moooritz last won the day on September 12 2023

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  1. Naja, in echt kannst du auch nicht die ganze Zeit ausm Fenster schauen und nebenher Fahrstraßen stellen, das musst du genauso am Rechner machen, find ich jetzt nicht abwägig. Auch, dass man die Ansicht mit Escape verlässt, ist ein ganz normales Prinzip, genau dazu ist die Taste ja eigentlich auch da. Anregungen kannst du hier posten, zumindest ich lese mir alles durch, kommentiere dann meistens auch den aktuellen Stand dazu in der Entwicklungsversion oder begründe, wenn es nicht so viel Sinn macht.
  2. Im Development Build ist das schon seit Ewigkeiten geändert, sodass sich die Auswahl speichert, sofern man den Schalter einmal umgestellt hat. Mehr kann ich leider nicht tun
  3. Hi, problem with shunting routes is that they are not really tested in all the signal boxes because we don't have shunting in Multiplayer. To your first problem: Routes are saved as normally, but I think there is configuration problem with these signals. They are special, because they are entry signals, but you can also set shunting routes from there (in comparison to "normal" entry signals). When you try setting other shunting routes from these two signals (Q123 and Q125), you'll see that none of these are working. Second problem: Tm39 simply has no saved routes, so you cannot set any routes there. I don't know how such cases are handled, because there are tons of misplaced/not-working/wrong-saved shunting signals, especially in Warszawa.
  4. No one really can explain the JSON format, especially with setting a route. Like mentioned above, there is no support for JSON and it is not recommended to make new scenarios with it since it is also very buggy. Lua is a lot easier, more structured and has more functions.
  5. Only Dragon2 has this feature so far, I can add it to the suggestion list, but I think that will not be very successful.
  6. Some stops simply are not instantly necessary. For example pt stop for 6290xx/6490xx in Bedzin. If this train is on time, you can easily send it behind 401xx ROJ and it won't block the 41xx EIP until Zabkowice, where the ways from these two trains are splitting. Same can occur with 2440xx in Gora Wlodowska, sometimes the next train behind 2440xx is 241xx, which is only 20 km/h faster. When there is enough space (sometimes like 9 or 10 blocks), 2440xx will also not block 241xx until Zawiercie.
  7. You really tested it in combination with other players or only from indication in the settings? The bar in the settings doesn't work correctly when you are ingame, only at the main menu. If you did not test it with other players, please do this 😄
  8. "Zugbesy" is correct. Sometimes also "ZugBesy", depends on the vehicle. It is a custom word from "Zugbeeinflussungssystem". Maybe some vehicles also have other words, but we chose this as it is very common, also in older vehicles.
  9. 2 and 3 key will be used in future for access to the domino panel/computer and EDR without clicking on the devices.
  10. Setting routes will not work until VD is not ready. Call this with OnVirtualDispatcherReady(). After that you can set routes. function OnVirtualDispatcherReady() Log("VD Initialization ready!") end
  11. When a dispatcher sends southbound trains to track 2 or 4, I am in the opinion that the dispatcher has to deal with that. If shunting is really necessary and that's why someone is reversing (Gora case in my opinion is not included), I will not kick someone.
  12. I reported it in our internal bug report system. Thank you For such things you can also use bug reporting section: https://forum.simrail.eu/forum/93-bug-reporting-multiplayer/
  13. There is no need for that, you can use Freefly and Lua developer to see signal names, track names and routes. You can see track and signal plans of the stations at https://semaforek.kolej.org.pl/wiki/index.php?title=Strona_główna, as far as these signal boxes are not controllable by player we will not add them to the Wiki.
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