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Everything posted by bittersweet

  1. I read. And the answers are still just as stupid. Crying about missing a save. Yes I get it, it's annoying when you have to shut down the game, but I still don't understand why you get so mad at the authors for it. Moreover, from what I have seen, the authors communicate. It was even written that there will be a save. But it is also necessary to understand that there are other primary things to be done now. Especially bug fixes. It is necessary to realize that the game is simply in early access and to respect this fact. I believe that we will see a save in the future.
  2. Wait Wait, is this just because this option is not currently in early access? That's a little more than silly, don't you think? Sorry for the misunderstanding, but I really don't understand why some here give the game so much hate just because of the missing save and resume feature...
  3. I'm sorry, but I have to respond. To praise DTG and their TSW here, which even after several years is not where it should have been and DTG did not fulfill even a large part of what they promised (especially editors and multiplayer) is very laughable. We have a railway simulator that we can finally play together in multiplayer. The authors even made it available for free for a whole month so that it could be properly tested before going out for money. The authors also respond to error reports and have already continuously removed errors in the playtest. This is something that DTG absolutely does not do and does not care about. Mainly because they take money. Yes, there are mistakes and not everything is as it should be. But it's early access and it can be expected there. And that's why we, the players, are here to help the authors in reporting and removing errors. Don't get mad at me, but the authors have a completely different approach here. And the complaint about the missing save...DTG removed it from TSW just to be sure, and I don't know if it's finally back after half a year. SimRail has been out for 4 days plus a month of Playtest. It is therefore, I think, very early for such an evaluation as "missing save in singleplayer, I am returning the game". And at the same time, I will praise someone who only releases one DLC after another and every year he pays for a "new" game that is only two or three mistakes poorer than the version before. Of course, I could be wrong and it remains only promises, but already we can see a huge difference between the two studies. And TSW, at least for me, loses by a lot... Also, I remember very well the start of TSW. A complete disaster, I remember, for example, that I stopped a freight train several dozen cars long in a moment and I didn't brake much. Furthermore, it very often fell into the ground, and the services from the 24-hour timetable did not work either. To this day, for example, even the crossings do not work, but I admit that SimRail also has problems with them, but they are functional and the AI traffic works. And there would be many more bugs that no one has fixed yet. That's my opinion. Edit: deleted double answer, i am sorry for that.
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