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SimRail Playtests Early Access


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  1. Witam, mam pytanie. W jaki sposób pobieracie informacje w czasie rzeczywistym? przez jaki protokół? jest wspaniale
  2. Bonjour une petite question, ou avez vous trouver les informations de connexion pour utiliser les informations de leur serveur ? l’API ou chose de ce genre ? merci pour votre travail
  3. @GeeForge Could you tell me more about this? With TCP Port 51528 Thank 🙂
  4. @GeeForge how to receive data with the adresse ? I can't find how to do it
  5. indeed a serial communication for arduino would be very good. I look forward to this in order to make the simulation more realistic and intuitive. I already posted a disappointed topic but no response from the development team. Especially since it should not be complicated to do for them a developer. In serial or TCP, it would be nice to be able to receive the following information from the game · Train speed · Brake status in % · Train number · Next Signal Statu · Next Stop Station · Destination of the train · Traction manipulator status · State of the doors · Return of the speed limiter and other information of course 🙂 @uetam @Admin BOT #arduino #serial #serialcom #TCP #gameimprovement
  6. I hope that we will soon have info on an API or other means of retrieving information from the live game. door status, pantograph, next signal, train number…. in gray all that is displayed on the screen. this is something that once programmed on arduino improves the simulation 🙂
  7. Il serait sympa d'avoir une vue volante, que ce soit en tant que conducteur ou dispatcher. Afin de se déplacer rapidement pour regarder quelque chose . A pied cela est bien trop long. Cela permet soit de decouvrir les environs , ou bien cherche un aiguillage ou autre afin d'analysez une situation si besoin
  8. efla83

    D DAY !!

    Walt … wait …
  9. @inomushis ? @
  10. thank you, where is the file with the speed data and other information ont the pc ? I failed to find
  11. hello friends, how to export speed or information to arduino? In order to make a secondary simulation screen
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