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Everything posted by Urgentemente

  1. Oh, I've always wondered if the drivers can see the dispatcher in real time, as I've gone for a walk a few times when trains are in early, (and at that station as well, might have been me !)
  2. Linux isn't officially support, however, I have dual boot system that spends 90% of it's life booted in linux (currently running CachyOS Arch based distro..) and I've run SimRail many times since the playtest under Steam/Proton. Whilst graphics performance isn't as good as when I run it under windows, the gameplay seems to be all OK.. Can't promise anything, but what distro are you using, graphics card, CPU etc, maybe we can compare. Oh, and of course, what version of SimRail.
  3. I would love to see it expand to cover some of Ukraine,there's already services that cross between the two . I rode on the 'Kyiv Express' back in mid-November 2022 , unfortunately only from Lublin to Warsaw to then change to travel onto GDansk..
  4. I ran the playest, and now early access using Proton in Steam, proton experimental originally, and currently Proton Next, performance seems OK most of the time, my windows install (same hardware, different disk..) may be a bit smoother, but most of the time I've played it under Linux it's been fine.
  5. Yep, have this issue also since early release, didn't notice it in playtest. It sounds like a very brief clip of the very busy loud environment noise, even when it's 03:00 in the morning (in game..) and there isn't a car or person around for miles..
  6. I haven't tried any of the others since I was 'at' Włoszczowa early this morning, be curious to see if any others which were "desolate deserted middle of nowhere in the middle of the night with the wind blowing (very well done sound effects by the way dev team !!) ", are suddenly sounding like bustling city streets 🙂 I'm sure I'm not the only one who goes for a walk around in between trains (especially early hours when it's quiet..), I noticed in playtest, and in early access , the train display signs on the doors/windows, are blank, no info, whereas when driving they have the train info on them. Just me, or has anyone else seen same when dispatching ?
  7. It might be a nice addition to the initial multiplayer selection screen, to have time remaining until the reset for each server, maybe more relevant for drivers if they want to avoid starting a long journey only to be reset part-way through it, but probably useful generally just for info so you know when to expect it.
  8. Hmm, I wonder has there been some game wide/global change to the 'environment' sound stream for the early access release? Reason I ask (I was going to post seperately but saw this thread first..), early hours of this morning, I was dispatching at Włoszczowa Północ , left the building and it sounded like a busy city street with lots of traffic and conversations going on, but there were no people or cares anywhere near by (only the usual group of rail worker standing around in the nearby siding... at nearly 03:00 LOL). I lowered the "environment" sound slider and it did reduce the volume, so narrowed it down to that particular sound stream. I don't recall hearing it during the playtest, only wind noise, rain etc (especially noticeable when dispatching in the early morning hours with no other activity around..)
  9. Hmm, I just managed to squash in the 34WE tutorial during my lunch hour, but it hasn't unlocked multiplayer, will try later on after work
  10. Multiplayer is locked until you complete at least one tutorial, makes sense I guess. Looks like min tutorial length is 30 mins.. (the 34WE from playest )
  11. It's released (in the UK at least!) must have been last 30 mins or so.. faster faster ...LOL
  12. That's what I had seen/expected as well, pity we can't pre-load and then it just activates, would spread the server load a bit as well !
  13. Steam store now says "coming soon" instead of "expected release 13th Jan..."
  14. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  15. Just to add my 2p worth, thanks SimRail team,I only joined the playtest late December but have thoroughly enjoyed the playtest time (spent most of my time dispatching !). Really only found out about it by a happy coincidence, having had 2 trips to Poland in 2022 (for some 'The Hardkiss' charity gigs..), they involved quite a few train journeys between various cities, so just before Xmas I was wondering "hmm...is there any Polish rail content available..." , only to find SimRail ! Will be buying once it goes live on Steam, no question.
  16. Good point, if I see it happen again, I'll try and remember to double check that it was actually meant to stop for passengers 😁 That might explain something I also noticed, last night , train pulled in at platform, doors were active, some passengers opened them, but then never boarded the train (as they do in the single player tutorial), also the display signs on the trains weren't showing any information.
  17. Question.. Who *should* have the final say as to what time a train leaves the platform (for passenger services..) I've had passenger trains arriving at platform a good 5+ mins early (sometimes even more..) in the last couple of nights (player driven as well as bot I think from hazy memory..), as a dispatcher, I held the passenger train until it's scheduled departure time and informed the driver when it was player controlled. As a passenger, if you turned up to catch your train only to find it had departed 5 minutes ahead of schedule, you would be a bit annoyed ! Normally I don't set the route until a few seconds before scheduled departure time, but last night I set it a couple of minutes before, the train departed (think it was a bot driver at the time..), I would have expected the driver to wait until the correct departure time, even if I've cleared the route ahead ready for them.
  18. Excellent ! I bought a StreamDeck a few years ago intending to use it for DCS etc, but have barely used it, was literally just thinking about trying it for SimRail this weekend, and wondering how I'd fare making icons...now maybe I don't have to 🙂
  19. Oh, how stupid of me, ! sorry!!!! Thanks for the correction 🙂 I've dispatched at Psary a couple of more times since then and had a few trains down that way, guess I wasn't exactly wide awake ! What about the AI cancelling the train, after confirming it had received my "line is clear" , then despatching without announcing it (which is why I *mistakenly* tried to route it past the slower train in the first place! )
  20. Not sure if this is a bug, or lack of understanding on my part of the rules for train routing, but I had an 'odd' situation early hours of Tuesday morning (empty EN1 server so wasn't likely to affect anyone else thankfully even if I had messed up..) I was dispatching at Psary, AI at Knapowka requested "is path for train 1303 on track 2 clear?" I replied that it was, AI confirmed/repeated, then it cancelled train 1303 ! (see screenshots...) No big deal I thought, next train from Knapowka was 24105, I set the route through on main line as 1303 had been cancelled.. but then 1303 appears behind 24105, so quick thinking, (well, quick for me in the early hours of the morning..), I cancelled the last part of the main route through for 24105, so it would stop, then routed 1303 via the side line, so it could get past... but it would not let me 'finish' the route to open up from O to T to allow 1303 through and past the slower 24105... Kept giving me "The set route from signal Ps_0 would send train 1303 in the wrong direction. Route will be released..." I have no idea *why* tho, anyone see if I was doing something wrong?
  21. Would love to see a shunter in game, I keep hoping (one day, long from now...) , that we might get expanded into Ukraine's rail system, would be amazing to see a ChMe3 in game and spend time shunting around outside Kyiv Pas (there used to be a brilliant webcam which showed the area just after leaving the station...was so cool to watch them going back & forth ! )
  22. Surely it's down to the driver to NOT pass the "end of electrification" sign ?
  23. I was wondering about offline mode, but found out in the guide here... https://www.riotbits.com/simrail-the-railway-simulator-complete-dispatching-guide-95431/ that Gora Wlodowska is AI trains only either side (don't know if that will be the same in the full release or not...) Quick skim of the guide linked above and I had things moving (and lost most of my work lunchhour in the process, LOL)
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