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Everything posted by Sparkles

  1. The people I know that refunded the game did it just for this reason, the did something wrong and did not understand what to do.
  2. Release of 0.2.0 adds ET22 and buttons for shunt up and shunt down. There are also now instructions for how to make it work on Windows in the readme.
  3. The game makes this after real life and some stations have a computer while some have the relay panel. I'm not the dev so can't say anything but im 99,9% sure they won't add this as it is a simulator and tries to mimic real life. This would also take some time to implement I believe.
  4. Reversing does not get you kicked.
  5. 2024-05-31 13-21-59.mp4 In the attached video you can see me reaching buttons that are under the panel and should not be able to be touched. This is in the EP08-013 loco yet to try it in other locos
  6. Im running Kubuntu I use a AMD Rx 6700 XT and I am running simrail with Proton 9 it runs fine and I have not gotten into any problems, same with my steam deck, it ran fine on there
  7. My only tip is to try and look at the map and be ready to enter the train
  8. Signals can somewhat be found by using the map at simrail.app as is shows a trains next signal.
  9. The bug should now be fixed with the release of v0.1.2.
  10. Under train route, you can quite easily figure out the vmax, but I agree
  11. There is currently a bug where the program doesn't work on applications like simrail on windows. I'm working on a fix.
  12. I have coded a program in C that takes input from a steering wheel and maps it to the keyboard. It is available on github for both Linux machines running X11 and Windows machines. As I do not run windows I have not been able to test the program on there. https://github.com/SparklesReal/CustomControllerToSimrail/releases/tag/v0.2.0-alpha Make sure that GeneralSettings.txt is in the same folder as the program itself as this contains the binds for keyboard. You may change these however you want to work better with your current keybinds. The standard GeneralSettings.txt shipped with the program maps throttle down to - and throttle up to + but I have not been able to get it to work with numpad -/+. If you have any problem make sure that keybinds ingame match the keybinds in the settings file. Plans for v0.2.0: for the next version I am planning to add mapping from steering wheel buttons to the shunt regulator. I am also planning to add force feedback to make the wheel "snap" to the diffrent states like it does in game.
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