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SimRail Playtests Early Access


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  1. Will it be upgraded to LCS eventually?
  2. There is the triangle with "WY" caption lighting up green next to the particular track when a route is set there from Katowice. As all the trains currently continue towards Sosnowiec, it rarely matters which train is set to depart at Katowice at the moment. Some players reflect this and then the trains leave Katowice with proceed aspect, thus not too cautiously.
  3. Great! Will the route to Koziol also bring some traffic via Przymiarki to Lazy Lc?
  4. After the update I have encoutered a car crossing at the permanently closed railway crossing that has been replaced by a bridge right next to it ca. 10 km away from Starzyny on LK64 (road 78 overpass?).
  5. The railway crossing distant signals right next to the switches at Sprowa in direction of Starzyny on both tracks show Osp1 permanently. Don't know if that's intended, I've encountered those signals each behaving quite different.
  6. A reason why traffic gets stuck at Kozlow and Tunel might be the AI dispatcher at Tunel sending long freight trains (421xxx) into a passing loop on track 4 to let pendolino 31xx from Miechow pass on track 2. Problem is, however, that track at Tunel are rather short and the freight train can then block the points after stopping at the signal and no train can pass. (pics 1&2) Two trains were waiting at the entrance signals 30 mins after the scheduled departure of the freight. I tried to unstuck the traffic by reversing (which took me towards Miechow on track 1), I reached the end of the map but then the train respawned. What is worse, it was now bugged with the loco having passed the signal to the stub track and the rest of the train on track 1, separated. The trains waiting for the track 2 to be clear passed and I logged in one of them. After ca. 30 mins I noticed that the freight train is still at Tunel and logged in it again. It was thrusting back and forth diabollicaly with AI control on, so on the first attempt it derailed. It respawned the same way though. After taking over it, I managed to get it reversing (on both tracks simultaneously) but then the server restarted so I didn't get to know what would happen at the switches. (pics 3&4) Happened 21. 1. on CZ1 at cca 18:20. I would suggest restricting the usage of track 4 for the AI as it makes no sense to use it for any train that is scheduled there at the moment. Also maybe respawning trains should be a little more restricted? Later, the check of track length available and the train length should be implemented. Thank you! Pics 1&2 Pics 3&4
  7. The underpass structure is too close is too close to the track 4.
  8. Today Dabrowa Górnicza Wschodnia is marked as bot dispatcher in the panel.simrail.eu map, same as Zawiercie was in the playtest. 🤫
  9. Also at this place I think the most distant repeater signal (IIISpE) does not work.
  10. Dispatching at Zawiercie, freight train 644034 departed from signal E5 at the time when departure was given by signal E3 to the train waiting next to it. It eventually got routed to the CMK together with pendolino 4128. (So the correct route check failed.) The situation was preceded by the configuration in the screenshot - there was a closure of the track 2 on line 4 between Zawiercie and Gora Wlodowska, agreed upon by the dispatchers (some players who did not want to wait were sent to the correct track). To breathe some life into the station, I held up AI freight trains until their scheduled departure (or player freight trains if they agreed). Since 644034 came from Lazy on track 2, I stored it on track 5, not in the 1xx track group. A pendolino was coming from GW so that player-controlled pendolino 4128 had to have a layover of cca 7 mins. After the track was clear and the automatic block direction has been switched, 4128 got a straight exit from signal E5 to track 2 of line 4. After the route was set and 4128 departed, I tended to another train and when I focused back on the track 2 of line 4, there was the 644034 a block behind 4128 (which was doing 160 km/h - so maybe they got moving at the same time?). This happened at 16:10 - 16:15 16.1.2023 at CZ1 server. I am looking forward to more such signalboxes and some maneuvres too (then it might be a task for some coop mode though)! Good job! SimRail_log_2023-01-16_12-49-55.txt
  11. I once got routed via the track 3 and had enough momentum to get with pantos down to SG, back to an electrified track. 😀 Good stuff
  12. At Bedzin Ksawera, direction Katowice, the zone for correct stopping at platform could be adjusted a little. I've stopped with the whole train at the platform as close as possible to the access for passangers and had to pull some 5 meters after I turned the HUD on and found out that the stop hasn't been chceked off. Thank you for your work!
  13. I thought I got it one bridge earlier, but yes, probably.
  14. One trigger for the bang and ohh sound in cabin (instructor related - person on tracks) found on the bridge at km 311,7 in direction KZ -> SG. (triggered with 644044 at cca 19:47)
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