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ryan gregg

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SimRail Playtests Early Access


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  1. From what I've seen there is one fix already, if it's a Bot and in AI Dispatcher area and off path so can't get to destination it'll despawn. The issue we have I think is when it's Bot Train but controlled Box then it gets messy cause I don't think they depsawn. they just sit there. Only taking what I've seen from discord chat etc here.
  2. I was thinking for the short term, it might be the best option. Then when they have something more realistic get rid of the loop and put in the long term solution.
  3. @Gazz292 So I've done a bit of digging. For UK routes if a train is going wrong way the driver must stop as soon as they find out. Contact dispatcher to see if they can reverse. There is something to do with Driver and Guard signing off and if Guard hasn't signed off the Reverse option would be done. If Driver and Guard sign off I think they can continue. The simple answer without getting a procedure from somewhere from what I've read is the train would reverse to a point where it can be righted onto the correct path. This can be done with Player controlled, the issue we have is AI controller trains we can't tell to reverse so yeah.
  4. without the couple and uncouple thing working bearing in mind.
  5. Anyone else have an idea on how to correct wrong routed trains for the short term, that could happen in real life.
  6. i disagree, Lazy LC was broke early and actually the AI Dispatcher fixed it and got stuff moving.
  7. @stronzio I don't dislike the idea, I think private servers are a separate thing that is more opinion of what people would prefer, quality of life kind of thing then something that would solve issues in the Sim. My original post on this was to add loop type of idea to turn around wrong routed trains as a fix until we have available uncouple and couple and AI Command control. Another idea is not loop but a command to flip AI around when it's stops in a siding. One big thing that we don't have here is someone sat with a main computer running the session that has tool privileges and I would think keeping them for devs only is the best idea else we'll have loads of train getting deleted cause someone thinks there stuck when there not it's just not been cleared to the other box.
  8. I don't think private servers is a good idea. In reality when is it you only have specific drivers and stuff. In Reality drivers change and you may interact with someone you have never interacted with before. Plus who would authorise the private server. Who would take the ownership of allowing people in etc. @Bescot That's not a bad idea. Allow Dispatchers with a high enough level the ability to remove trains or command trains to reverse etc. That way there some ownership there and people who might just want to mess around would be put off cause they would see well I want that but have to do all this work etc I won't bother. might go through there head. @Gazz292 I think this is also a good idea, unless we can have the loco decouple and run around so we can get it back on track if it's gone in completely wrong direction if that makes sense. The loop idea was only because of the loco hauled they can't be uncoupled and ran around so ones there going completely wrong direction and wrong routed there done for.
  9. One thing that could be done to fix wrong routed AI that can't be turned around is to have it so at the stations like Sos, Lazy etc there is a track which goes off somewhere but does a loop and back. Effectively changing direction of train. I fell this would allow Ai Routed and Players Routed the wrong why to get back on correct routing if it's not going to be possible to tell AI to reverse or shunt forward or if it's a single hauled loco.
  10. If it could be looked into a suggestion for improvement. If an AI Bot Driver can see it's off path so from where it is currently there are no valid paths to the place it needs to get to. Could The dispatcher that the AI Driver is in have the ability to reverse the train or shunt it forwards, maybe up to which ever signal it's clear to. Then when the AI Driver detects there are once again valid paths to the destination take away from the dispatcher the ability to command the AI and have it follow the signals etc like normal. I think this would help a lot for AI that players have got stuck and then left. On top of this it will add another element of maybe real life scenario that the train will delay others and add some extra immersion. My thinking would be the following - AI Checks when it's stopped IF is there any valid paths ( Continue as normal ) else ( Enable Commands Wait for command (Delay of 30 seconds) IF no command given within 30 seconds despawn. ( Depsawn ) else ( Action command with (Driving forwards to next green signal or Reverse to next Green Signal) ) I've done it in like wierd way above by without doing it in C++ thats the flow I was thinking.
  11. It won't let me join the discord says unable to accept invite
  12. When i launch the game and go into Multiplayer now servers load for me to join any. Is this due to no one playing or some other reason. Also, single player is greyed out unable to go into that part.
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