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SimRail Early Access


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  1. In some cases in multiplayer when enter in random dimono grid panel the control was locked and cant work with signals or route on it . When leave to main menu and back again is locked need to EXIT game to fix it situations. This is not every time only in random days. SimRail_log_2025-01-31_18-56-39.txt
  2. I Seen this problem also in Dabrowa gornicza Huta Katowice . When Zabkowice request and left from the post .
  3. In the Level 1 scenarios Before open crossing level I also have problem with ETCS The tutorial is locked and cant use keyboard and mouse .
  4. Hi I have problem in multiplayer EN servers not tested in another. I play with EMU en76-006 in route Warsawa - Katowice and when need to stop in next or random station in some cases when aproach the peron I seen green text in the top corner with last meters to stop. I stop on the peron and the stop is not recognized also cant open the train doors . When left station receive warning for missing breakdown. here short video with the problem. SimRail_log_2024-12-14_17-12-46.txt SimRail_log_2024-12-14_19-23-10.txt
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