"wyprawienie 244041 wniepoprawnym kierunku co spowodowalo calkowite zablokowanie sosnowca kazimierz, ucieczka z miejsca"
How is this possible? ... normally when you set the wrong station it just won't let you do it, or am I wrong?
I don't rule out it happening, probably because I couldn't unblock the situation, certainly not intentionally to create problems and I challenge anyone to argue otherwise. When after a certain time I couldn't unlock it I always left the station
I am quite certain that I have not violated any article of the regulation. If you are referring to this part "No spamming, excessive repetition of messages, or actions that may obstruct other players' enjoyment of the Game, particularly intentional disruption of railway traffic in the game, blocking communication channels, or actions inconsistent with the game's included tutorials on railway operations" here we are talking about intentionality (and this is not my case) and actions not consistent with the tutorials (very poor tutorials for non-experts). I would like to add that several users have violated the regulation against me with offensive language which I did not report (wrongly) in order not to get into unnecessary controversy.
I've been on Steam for almost 12 years with more than 100 games in my inventory and I assure you that an absurd situation like this has never happened to me.
I purchased this game on 01/17/2023, practically as soon as it was released (yes, it has been in "early access" for almost 2 years") paying 30 euros and I assure you that nowhere was it written that some of its features (for me the more interesting "dispatcher") were only usable in multiplayer, but above all that to use multiplayer you need to be a professional otherwise they will ban you, if I had known I would not have purchased.
This is the main point, you cannot expect anyone who buys a game to have certain characteristics of professionalism, for "professionals" it is necessary to make dedicated servers available with password-protected access, as happens in sim racing.
I will write to Steam explaining the problem, let's see what they think.
A proposal could consist of a warning in the game description such as "WARNING some features are only available in multiplayer for which specific skills are required to avoid being banned".
It's a shame because the game is very beautiful but unfortunately poorly managed.